Welcome to Duplicate - 7

The card serves two purposes. One,
it tells your opponents what you play.
Your opponents are the only people
allowed to look at your card during the
game (though most bridge clubs are
somewhat lenient about this rule for
the new player). Two, making out a card
allows you and your partner to get your
understandings straight.
See the sample convention card on
the following pages for suggestions about
basic bidding and defensive carding.
Alerts and Announcements
At first sight, the convention card
can be intimidating. Don't worry yet
about filling it out in detail. You'll see it
already has common conventions, such
as Stayman and Blackwood. Dozens of
other conventions have been invented
to describe various hands, and you'll
discover some you will enjoy using.
Unusual conventions are shown in red
on the card. Your opponents will "Alert"
them by saying the word or using the "Alert"
card in the bidding box. You may ask for an
explanation when it is your turn to call.
Bids shown in blue require an
"Announcement." For example, when
your partner opens 1NT, you "Announce"
to your opponents you're agreed
notrump range. A standard 1NT opening
is 15-17 or 16-18 high-card points; some
pairs use more unusual methods.
Your opponents have the right to
know what your bids mean, and
you have the right to ask what
their bids mean to each other. Ask
when it is your turn to make a call.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Welcome to Duplicate

Welcome to Duplicate - 1
Welcome to Duplicate - 2
Welcome to Duplicate - 3
Welcome to Duplicate - 4
Welcome to Duplicate - 5
Welcome to Duplicate - 6
Welcome to Duplicate - 7
Welcome to Duplicate - 8
Welcome to Duplicate - 9
Welcome to Duplicate - 10
Welcome to Duplicate - 11
Welcome to Duplicate - 12
Welcome to Duplicate - 13
Welcome to Duplicate - 14
Welcome to Duplicate - 15
Welcome to Duplicate - 16
Welcome to Duplicate - 17
Welcome to Duplicate - 18
Welcome to Duplicate - 19
Welcome to Duplicate - 20