Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists Bulletin Spring 2015 - (Page 37)

SUMMARY ANNUAL SESSION TRAINING AND GIVING FEEDBACK TO THE CLINICAL STAFF TO ENSURE A WELL-TUNED TEAM Presented by Dr. Yashodhara Singh, PCSO Annual Session, October 4, 2014. Summarized by Jenifer Vetter. "I f you can't explain it, you don't know how to do it." This profoundly simple (and true) statement by Dr. Yashodhara Singh emphasizes the fact that if a supervisor, manager, or clinician cannot explain the task they are training someone on, he/she does not know how to do it, and in turn will not be able to properly train others. If the person doing the training is not skilled in the procedure, he/she could potentially instill bad habits and poor technique, and waste valuable time. included in the training. Pictures of tray setups are stored on Google Drive as well. Dr. Singh's office manuals include guidelines and training for employees regarding expected behavior and verbiage for patient flow. All patients are to be escorted out within five minutes of the ending time of their appointment. There is a detailed list of duties and Dr. Singh expectations - from calling patients back to appointment flow - with the expectation that all employees follow through on the office's policies, including use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE), proper Systems and protocols are the cornerstones to successcustomer service, scripting, and patient care. Uniformity ful training and feedback. Dr. Singh strives for accuracy, in scripting and customer service is important because it consistency, and efficiency in her training systems alleviates patient confusion and shows that everyone in and protocols by utilizing many different methods and the office is on the same page. models. By requiring employees to complete training in Treatment plans cause delays and confusion in many several methods, they are better able to handle a variety practices. Templates in the orthodontic software system of situations. Dr. Singh requires new employees to watch can aid with uniformity and save time. This also helps training videos that she has created, review and learn the staff and clinician know what they are to do at each training manuals, and observe lead staff members as appointment. Whether these templates are set in Dolthey perform their duties. phin, OrthoTrac, or ClinCheck for Invisalign, they all help Training manuals are created specifically for Dr. Singh's save time and eliminate confusion. Setting up the Super office; these are stored on Google Drive for ease of access Questionnaire (SQ) portion of Dolphin allows the user to all employees. Real-time, up-to-date information and to consistently perform a procedure and reduce chartquick updates are available as needed, and there is no ing time. Initial exam notes and intake forms, growth need to print and redistribute new manuals to employguidance, and progress (pano/repo) appointments can be ees. The manual is indexed by chapters; self-evaluation noted in the SQ. tests, which employees are required to pass, are found Accurate and consistent charting and recording of oral at the end of each chapter. Each team member is given hygiene (covered in the manual) minimizes cases of a syllabus at the start of employment and a deadline by decalcification. Staff and clinicians are provided with when the evaluations must be completed. pictures and guidelines of what constitutes grades of Hands-on training is completed by the new employee, excellent, good, fair, and poor. These are noted at each who shadows the lead(s) in the office as they perform patient visit, and if necessary, letters of poor hygiene/ their specific duties. New employees observe for two compliance are sent to the parent with pictures of the hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon for areas of concern. a total of 14 days until they become proficient in each Verbal skills in the clinical area help to create a sense of procedure. Training for an experienced clinician follows professionalism in the practice. It is important that all the same guidelines but is completed in half the required staff provide the same information and scripting, includtime. Trays are set up in a specific manner, and this is SPRING 2015 * PCSO BULLETIN 37

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists Bulletin Spring 2015

The Whole is Greater Than Its Parts
The Land of Opportunity
Donated Orthodontic Services Program — AAO-DOS
Trustee Report
AAO Council on Scientific Affairs (COSA) Report
Component Reports
AAOF Report
AAO Leaders Complete Terms in San Francisco: The End of an Era for PCSO
Preparing for the Unexpected: Your Emotional SOS Plan Part I
Resident Spotlight: Dr. Mona Afrand, Orthodontic Resident, University of Alberta Department of Orthodontics; Younger Member Spotlight: Dr. Mostafa Altalibi, Calgary, Canada
PCSO At A Glance
The AEODO Research Data Portal: Restructuring Workflow
The Aveolar Bone Housing — The Orthodontist’s World
Case Report Pre-Treatment
Smile and Appliance Esthetics — New Understandings
How to Remember Names and Places: A Dale Carnegie Program
The Latest Trends in Orthodontic Treatment: Part I
Training and Giving Feedback to The Clinical Staff to Ensure a Well-Tuned Team
Treatment Possibilities with Invisalign®
Class III Treatment: Timing and Protocol
Orthodontics: The Key to Successful Interdisciplinary Treatment
CBCT: Assessment of Anatomical Boundary Conditions Important to Orthodontists
Case Report Post-Treatment
Sectional Mechanics for Class II Correction
Dr. Donald Poulton

Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists Bulletin Spring 2015