Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012 - (Page 203)

started. It isn't foolproof. Glechoma will still get over and it's useless if you don't mind what is going on on the garden side; but for the price, black plastic edging carefully installed is as good as, or possibly better than, most anything. Panayoti's Axiom 6 will save gardeners a lot of headaches, but I think it is not strictly about the rate of growth. Moss phlox and Kabschia saxifrages might be grown together but the gardener needs be aware of the situation. Each plant needs to be kept in its special place. I've used "furrows;" little borders of plant "no man's land" to keep things like moss phlox contained for many years. New growth is removed from these areas a couple of times each year and all is well. Even Muscari will lie down quietly if the ripening seed heads are whipped off before they mature. In one instance I've allowed a little clump of Crocus chrysanthus to grow in one of the furrows. This needs no tag. The permanent furrow roughly marks its location. This system also allows for the slow rearrangement of plant clumps. I once planted some eriogonums too close together; but rather than risk moving them, I've hacked away at the spacing over time. One goes Plastic edging strip can be very effective but needs installing properly if it's to work properly. Expanding Panayoti's Axioms 203

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012

Digital Quarterly
Expanding Panayoti's Axioms
Photo Contest 2012
Photographing Alpine Plants: A Landscape Point of View
NARGS 2013 Election Timetable
Rock Gardening from Scratch - Seeds
Kim Blaxland and the Violets of North America
Viola pedata
Violas, Kim, and Us - A Celebration
Cooking Native Japanese Plants
Carl Gehenio Memorial Trough Show
Fire in the Hole: Phlox across Colorado
Rebuilding a Rock Garden in Pittsburgh
A Remarkable Garden: David Douglas and the Shrub-steppe of the Columbia Plateau
Bookshelf - Reviews
Swedish Dreams
Treasurer's Report
Bulletin Board
2012 - Eastern Study Weekend: October, Pittsburgh

Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012