Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012 - (Page 251)

The current officers and directors (with the dates of their terms) are listed inside the back cover of the Rock Garden Quarterly. Our mission is to select candidates for the positions of directors who want to serve, have the qualifications to serve, and who fulfill as much as possible the need for geographic diversity between the six continuing board members and the three new members. We will accept names for all seven positions submitted by any current member of NARGS. Please provide the following information for each nominee: 1) Name, chapter (if applicable), email address, and position for which each person is nominated. 2) Bio of nominee (100 words or less, written by nominee) 3) Picture 4) Letter of acceptance from (new) nominee indicating a willingness to be one of the above officers of NARGS (twoyear term) or a NARGS Director (three-year term). 5) Your own reasons for nominating the person. Note: All the above are for use by the Nominating Committee; the bio and picture will be used for publication in the Rock Garden Quarterly (examples can be seen on page 86 of the Winter 2011/12 issue of the Quarterly). The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2012. Nominations should be submitted to Lola Horwitz, chairperson of the Nominating Committee. They can be submitted by email to or posted to: Lola Horwitz, 446 6th St., Brooklyn, NY 11215 USA. Nominating Committee: Lola Horwitz (chairperson), Gail Gray, Elizabeth Houdek, Jody Payne, Lori Skulski, Mike Slater, Carmel Tysver. This election (as announced in the President's letter in the Bulletin Board) will be an email election enabling a great widening of the opportunity for members to particpate directly in the voting process. An outline timetable for the election will be found on page 213. Call for Nominations 251

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012

Digital Quarterly
Expanding Panayoti's Axioms
Photo Contest 2012
Photographing Alpine Plants: A Landscape Point of View
NARGS 2013 Election Timetable
Rock Gardening from Scratch - Seeds
Kim Blaxland and the Violets of North America
Viola pedata
Violas, Kim, and Us - A Celebration
Cooking Native Japanese Plants
Carl Gehenio Memorial Trough Show
Fire in the Hole: Phlox across Colorado
Rebuilding a Rock Garden in Pittsburgh
A Remarkable Garden: David Douglas and the Shrub-steppe of the Columbia Plateau
Bookshelf - Reviews
Swedish Dreams
Treasurer's Report
Bulletin Board
2012 - Eastern Study Weekend: October, Pittsburgh

Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012