Promo - (Page 22)

Promo p22-23 TOOL 7/3/06 5:00 PM Page 22 THE SECRET DIARY OF A M EPISODE 3:THE O Things are looking up for director Jonathan Hallstrom aka TOOL : he's shooting a video for new Swe 9.00am I wake up, and rub the sleep off my eyes. I look out of the veranda in my new three-storey Georgian townhouse. The morning sunshine in Belgravia has a sublime quality to it. This is going to be a good year, I think to myself, as I nibble on a pain au chocolat. Yes, the three commercials I shot in December were hard work. It was a stressful month. But hey: I've got enough money now to buy a small county in the Midlands. Jonathan Hallstrom is finally on the up. 9.15am I wake up with horrible cramp. I've just had a dream that I was a successful commercials director, earning bin liners of cash a day. Suddenly I get an attack of thirst. My hand reaches out to a jam jar on my bedside table and I swiftly neck a pint of three-day-old water. Ah, that's better. Shit! I was supposed to be at a shoot three hours ago.Why didn't my producer call me? Oh yes. I am the producer. 10am Arrive at the studio. After getting physically battered with a mic stand for my crimes against punctuality, I nip into the production room and start sellotaping an empty 16mm Aaton magazine to the back of a PD 150. I got the thing in a car boot sale; the whole contraption looks like a really convincing lightweight 16mm camera. Amazingly the record company has never twigged this little trick: it always saves heaps of money on developing and telecine fees.Well, what can you do for

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Promo
