ChesterNewMatterFall2017 - 21
upside down, as he was right side up. After a while, Officer
Birdman said, "I know a guy who's a bird expert, who also
raises monkeys. I'm calling him." Now, if you're anything like
me, I wondered to myself, "What's the connection between
parrots and monkeys?" You're right, there is none. But, soon
the Monkey Man, we'll call him, arrived with several large nets
and a cage, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Turns out
he's a Fire Police Chief and accustomed to "rescues."
At this point, the sun is setting and darkness approaches. A
sense of urgency and expectation is in the air. It's getting cold,
and we figure parrots come from warm climates and don't do
well in the cold. As the Monkey Man approaches with his net,
the Macaw flies back, high up in the Birch tree. 'I'm calling
out the Fire Department', he announces. "Fire Department"
I thought? I was incredulous. It's dark when the "hook and
ladder" fire truck arrives, search lights blazing, plants its
stabilizers, and the firemen slowly raise and swing the ladder
toward the tree's branches in which the Macaw is now perched.
Although I admired their generosity and kind heartedness, I
thought to myself, "These guys must be seriously delusional if
they think this bird is going to stand still for this." You guessed
it, the Macaw did not bother to wait for a fireman to climb the
ladder, but abruptly flew away to "safety" as the ladder slowly
rose in his direction.
Now, while this part of our story transpired, Officer Birdman
had the good sense to post the Macaw's location on his
Department's Facebook site, sort of a modern-day "all-points
bulletin, which, almost immediately, identified the "escapee"
as one "Freddie Mercury," age 4, missing for nine days from
Talleyville, Delaware. A radio station in Delaware that had
been reporting on Freddie's story all week saw the post, and
promptly reported the bird's new location to its owner. Later
that night, Freddie's expectant owner, Vic Rash, arrived at our
home, soon followed by a police officer, and the second search
began. Freddie was soon spotted with the aid of a flashlight
beam, high up in a Walnut tree in our back yard. "Come on,
Freddie, come down to Papa," Vic coaxed. By then, it was
pretty cold, and Freddie, not unlike most birds, had "nested for
the night. "Too late," said Vic, "we'll never get him down now.
See you tomorrow morning at 7 AM. I hope he survives the
cold night." "Vic," how'd Freddie get his name?" I asked.
"I got him on Freddie's birthday," said Vic. "I loved Freddie,"
he added.
A happy ending to our story! Next morning, bright and
early Freddie "surrendered" to Vic, with the aid of a bird snack,
who gently put him in his car, where Freddie perched happily
on the head rest of Vic's front seat. Alerted, the Monkey Man
raced over and took photographs. Vic, greatly relieved, hugged
me and said, "I can't describe how I feel. I thought I'd never see
him again, I'm just so happy; I'm just so thrilled," I responded,
"Vic, it's always nice to get good news."


Representation,	consultation	and	expert	testimony	in
disciplinary	matters	and	matters	involving	ethical	issues,
bar	admissions	and	the	Rules	of	Professional	Conduct

James C. Schwartzman, Esq.

*	 Chairman,	Judicial	Conduct	Board	of	Pennsylvania
*	 Former	Chairman,	Disciplinary	Board	of	the	Supreme	
Court	of	Pennsylvania
*	 Former	Chairman,	Continuing	Legal	Education	Board	
of	the	Supreme	Court	of	Pennsylvania
*	 Former	Chairman,	Supreme	Court	of	Pennsylvania	
Interest	on	Lawyers	Trust	Account	Board
*	 Former	Federal	Prosecutor
*	 Selected	by	his	peers	as	one	of	the	top	100	Super	Lawyers	
in	PA	and	the	top	100	Super	Lawyers	in	Philadelphia
*	 Named	by	his	peers	as	Best Lawyers in America	2015	
Philadelphia	Ethics	and	Professional	Responsibility	Law	
"Lawyer	of	the	Year,"	and	in	Plaintiffs	and	Defendants	
Legal	Malpractice	Law
1818 Market Street, 29th Floor * Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 751-2863

Thank you to all of the professional advisors who have
opened the door to philanthropy!
2004 Stephen McGann, CTFA, AEP
2005 L. Peter Temple, Esq.
2006 Michael B. Karwic, AEP, CFP, CRPC

Congratulations to
2017 Door Opener,
Michael DeHaven, CPA

2007 David M. Frees, III, Esq.
2008 John A. Featherman, III, Esq.
2009 Honorable Dr. Clifford DeBaptiste
2010 William J. Gallagher, Esq.
2011 Duke Schneider, Esq.
2012 Robb S. Frees, CIC
2013 Richard Clark, CPA, CFP®, ChFC®
2013 Stephen Olsen, Esq.
2013 Timothy Knauer, Esq.
2014 Louis N. Teti, Esq.
2015 Kurt Kunsch
2016 Michael F. Connelly
2016 John R. Twombly, Jr., Esq.

The Lincoln Building
28 W. Market St.
West Chester, PA 19382

New Matter | 21

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ChesterNewMatterFall2017

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