NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 45


Colorectal Cancer Rates
Increasing Among Young Adults


he Northeast Regional Cancer Institute is a local nonprofit
dedicated to easing the burden of cancer in Northeastern
Pennsylvania. A key portion of the Cancer Institute work
involves monitoring local cancer data to better address specific
community needs. Recently, nationwide reports of increasing
rates of colorectal cancer among young adults prompted the
organization to examine whether this trend is occurring locally.

than 50 diagnosed in 2010-2014, 38.5% had tumors in the rectum or large bowel near the rectum, some that may be detected
by a rectal exam.
More research is needed to determine why this increase in colorectal cancer is being seen among young adults, especially when
overall, incidence of the disease for all ages has been decreasing
since 1985. Recent increases in the prevalence of obesity, type 2
diabetes, and changes in the typical American diet including more
consumption of fast food may be contributing factors. Currently,

Cancer is a term for more than one hundred diseases all
characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Colorectal cancer is
cancer that occurs in the colon (large bowel) or the rectum. It is
the fourth most common cancer in both Northeastern Pennsylvania and the United States, however, incidence rates in NEPA
are about 15% higher than the US average. The good news is that
the risk of this disease has been decreasing over time during the
past few decades.

There has been a significant increase in
colorectal cancer rates among local
individuals younger than 50. Specifically,
a 39% increase in incidence occurred when
comparing data collected between 1990-1994
with data from 2010-2014.

Nearly 450 new cases are diagnosed, and more than 180 patients
die from colorectal cancer each year in Lackawanna, Luzerne,
Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties combined.
Locally, and nationally, colorectal cancer is the second leading
cause of cancer deaths, although mortality rates have been
decreasing since the 1970s. Several risk factors for colorectal
cancer have been identified and include health factors such as
genetic cancer syndromes, inflammatory bowel disease, a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps, type 2 diabetes, and
obesity. Lifestyle risk factors include a diet low in fiber and high
in red or processed meats, alcohol and tobacco use, and lack of
exercise. Additionally, like most cancers, the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases as one ages and has generally
been quite low among individuals under age 50, making recent
reports of an increase in the disease among younger individuals
of special interest.

screening for colorectal cancer for those individuals at average
risk is recommended starting at age 50. While no changes have
yet been made to the screening recommendations, these data
suggest that doctors should at least consider the possibility of the
disease when evaluating younger patients with related symptoms,
especially in NEPA where rates are higher than the US average.
Individuals with known risk factors for colorectal cancer should
talk to their doctor about the appropriate time to start screening,
and what method of screening is right for them. Screening can
prevent future cancers by removing polyps before they become
cancerous and improve survival by diagnosing cancers at an early,
more treatable, stage.

After evaluating data from the Pennsylvania Department of
Health for Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne,
and Wyoming Counties, it was determined that there has been
a significant increase in colorectal cancer rates among local individuals younger than 50. Specifically, a 39% increase in incidence
occurred when comparing data collected between 1990-1994
with data from 2010-2014. Furthermore, since screening for
colorectal cancer is not routinely conducted among patients
younger than 50 without heightened risk factors, the majority
of these cases (60.2%) were diagnosed at a later stage of disease
progression. Also of note was the fact that among those younger

To read the complete study, or for more information on cancer in Northeastern Pennsylvania, contact the Cancer Institute at 570-941-7984 or
visit the website:

SAMUEL M. LESKO, M.D., M.P.H., and
KAREN RYCZAK, R.N., Northeast Regional Cancer Institute



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018

NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 1
NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 2
NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 3
NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 4
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NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 9
NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 10
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NEPA Vital Signs - Summer Fall 2018 - 12
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