NEPA Vital Signs - Winter Spring 2018 - 16






Shingles Rash

One million cases of Shingles - also
known as varicella-zoster virus - will be
reported in the United States this year. If
you are over 50 years old chances are you
had the chickenpox virus. This virus lies
dormant in your body, and then for some
reason not quite known to scientists, it reactivates as a painful virus known as Shingles.
This Shingles virus appears as a blistery
red rash along a "dermatome" or single stripe
along either the right or left side of the body.
Rarely, shingles can cause neurological
The area where the rash appears can be pain- problems. Depending on which nerves are
ful, itchy, and burning. Symptoms may start affected, shingles can cause inflammation
up to five days before the rash even appears. of the brain (encephalitis), facial paralysis,
blindness, or hearing or balance problems.
Shingles usually appears in people over
the age of 60 or people with weakened
Due to breaks in the skin caused by shinimmune systems.
gles blisters, bacterial skin infections may
also develop as a side effect of the disease.
Other symptoms can include fever, headache, fatigue, or gastrointestinal upset. Pain is
The pain of shingles and the complicausually the first symptom, and in some people tions of the infection are often difficult
it can be severe. If the rash develops around to treat, but there is hope of preventing
the eye, it can cause permanent vision loss, infection. Three vaccines are now availso it is important to start treatment quickly. able to prevent shingles. The chickenpox
(varicella) vaccine (Varivax) has become
A person with Shingles can pass the a routine childhood immunization to prevaricella-zoster virus to anyone who isn't vent chickenpox. It is also recommended
immune to chickenpox. This usually occurs to adults who have not had the chickenpox.
through direct contact with the open sores Although the vaccine does not guarantee
of the shingles rash. Once infected, the per- you won't get the chickenpox or shingles,
son will develop chickenpox, not shingles. it can reduce the chances of complications
and reduce the severity of the disease.
Shingles usually lasts 5-7 days, then the
blisters crust and scab over. The rash will
The Food and Drug Administration has
resolve on its own, however, your doctor will approved the use of the varicella-zoster vacusually prescribe an antiviral medication like cine (Zostavax) for adults age 50 and older
acyclovir to help speed your recovery or to whether they've had shingles or not. Although
help prevent complications like post-herpectic the vaccine is approved for people age 50
neuralgia - nerve pain that lingers even after and older, the Centers for Disease Control
the rash has resolved. It occurs when damaged and Prevention doesn't recommend it until
nerve fibers send confused and exaggerated you reach age 60 or older, when the risk of
messages of pain from your skin to your brain. shingles and its complications is highest.



Again, the vaccine does not guarantee you
won't get the shingles, but it will likely reduce
the course and severity of the disease and
reduce your risk of post herpetic neuralgia.
The Zostavax is a live vaccine that is
given once and should NOT be given to
people who are pregnant or have a weakened immune system.
Most recently, the Food and Drug Administration has approved Shingtix, a new
vaccine for the prevention of shingles for
people 50 and older. This new vaccine may
very well replace Zostavax.
This new vaccine will be available "shortly" and will need to be given in 2 doses, given
2 months apart. The vaccine will probably be
available at your doctor's office or pharmacy.
We will have to see at what cost, and whether
insurances will pay for it. The new Shingrix
vaccine is a non-live vaccine. Currently, it is
recommended that you receive the Shingix
vaccine even if you have already received
the Zostavax vaccine.

an internest with Wayne Memorial
Community Health Centers (WMCHC) http://www.LUZERNEMEDSOC.ORG

NEPA Vital Signs - Winter Spring 2018

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEPA Vital Signs - Winter Spring 2018

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NEPA Vital Signs - Winter Spring 2018 - 2
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