SkillsUSA Annual Report 2013 - (Page 11)

tance of the jobs that I featured on my show for nine years. They are profoundly disconnected from a couple of fundamental truths. I don't think I can close the skills gap. I don't know if we can all do it, but I do know it will never, ever happen unless we change the fundamental conversation that's going on right now. To help me do that, Caterpillar and I came out with a new website. Surprise, surprise, it's called "Profoundly Disconnected" []. If you go there, you can get one of these posters. And if you do and if you're feeling brave, I dare you - I double-dog dare you - get it back to your high school. Hang it up in a hallway. Find a teacher who understands; let them put it in their classroom. Find a guidance counselor; let them hang it up. Take a picture of it and send it back to me, and we'll make a collection of some advice that actually makes sense. Maybe a couple years from now, people will Google "Work Smart and Hard" and go, "Oh, that's where that started." Not only do you guys get it, not only do you have the talent, not only do you have the will to make for yourselves and for your families, but I'm calling on you to go further. Go out into the world, be an ambassador for work. Spread the kind of advice that actually matters, makes a difference. Have fun at what you do. This is the greatest country in the world, but I'm not biased at all when I tell you, it's because of you guys. s "I don't know if we can all [close the skills gap], but I do KNOW it will never, ever happen unless we CHANGE the fundamental CONVERSATION that's going on right now." Mike Rowe unveils his "Work Smart and Hard" poster SkillsUSA Annual Report 2013 * 11

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SkillsUSA Annual Report 2013

Who We Are
What We Do
Student Impact
Teacher Impact
Partner Impact
2013 Accomplishments
National Conference
SkillsUSA WorldTeam
Get Involved

SkillsUSA Annual Report 2013