CES - Revista Veterinaria Julio - Diciembre 2011 - (Page 118)

Artículo de reflexión no derivado de investigación Biocombustibles: búsqueda de alternativas* Biofuel: the search for alternatives Biocombustíveis: a busca de alternativas Elkin Alonso Cortés Marín1*, Especialista; Héctor José Ciro Velásquez1, MSc, PhD; Edilson León Moreno Cárdenas1*, MSc *Autor para correspondencia: Elkin Alonso Cortés Marín. Calle 59ª No 63-020, bloque 7, oficina 202, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail: ecortes@unal.edu.co 1 Grupo Ingeniería Agrícola, línea de investigación en fuentes energéticas rurales, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Calle 59ª No 63-020, Autopista norte, Medellín, Colombia. (Recibido: 06 de Septiembre de 2011; Aceptado: 24 de Noviembvre de 2011) Abstract Today, the world is looking for different alternatives in order to solve the increasing difficulties that face its development, the feeding of its population and, in particular the feeding of developing nations. At the same time, the growing energy demand foreshadows the exhaustion of hydrocarbon reserves in the short and medium term and likewise a significant deterioration of natural resources, especially the contamination of water and the erosion of soil. In order to prevent irreversible changes and reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet´s climate, many countries have chosen to gamble on different strategies for the diversification of energy production utilizing renewable energy sources. The replacement of petroleum derived fuel with biofuels provides a reduction in CO2 emissions generated by vehicles. This appears to indicate that the biofuels could potentially be an option, but one not without questions. The new agro-energy industry, unlike that of the oil industry, involves a production chain that impacts more directly the different sectors of the economy, especially the generation of employment, agricultural development and the agro-industry. The addition of biofuels to fuel mixtures can partially mitigate the need for the importation of hydrocarbons, which furthers the national biofuel policy versus energy trade balance, and to a certain extent defines the parameters for security at the supply level. The goal of this paper is to assess the possible scenario of replacement of the current energy matrix with vegetable derived alternative products. Biofuel, biomass, food safety. Key words *Rev CES Med Vet Zootec. Vol 6 (2): 118-123 118 Revista CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia / Volumen 6 / Número 2 / Julio – Diciembre de 2011 / ISSN 1900-9607 http://www.revistamvzces.com/revistas/vol6no2/Articulo_11.pdf

Tabla de contenidos de la publicatin de CES - Revista Veterinaria Julio - Diciembre 2011

CES - Revista Veterinaria Julio - Diciembre 2011
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Biocombustibles: búsqueda de alternativas
Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida en Caballos
Índice de Autores
Índice Temático
Evaluadores Volumen 6, 2011

CES - Revista Veterinaria Julio - Diciembre 2011
