CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012 - (Page 10)

EDITORIAL ¿Past order and future chaos? Hennessey, in his book ‘’The Generation of Climate Change’’ put forward the ‘’chaos hypothesis’’, taking place in a time between 1920 and 2090. This time period in turn is divided into three eras: 1920 – 1970, called the ‘age of industrial capitalism and positive science’ and of apparent order, subsequent to the industrial revolution in which a wide range of scientific understanding was consolidated in all areas of knowledge. This scientific, academic and technological boom helped mankind to ‘develop’ and improve its ‘quality of life’. It is during this first period that the first chaos takes place, between 1970 and 1920, called ‘the first cognitive blindness’ in which we become conscious of climate change and its past, present and future negative impacts on the biosphere and humanity (although we are part of the biosphere our self–worshipping behavior has lead us to part from it and to take advantage of it), but we are and we were blind before the problem and have turned ourselves into a consumerist society – exponential selfishness in which through the desire to raise the quality of life we cannot see the future chaos for our nutritional and social needs. Although some steps have been taken in order to find a solution or some relief, such as the Kyoto Protocol and, a short while ago, the United Nations conference on sustainable development –Earth Summit Rio +20 – there will very probably follow a giant rise in consumerism and selfishness, fed by environmentally hostile politics. We will undoubtedly reach a second chaos cycle, between 2020 and 2090, called ‘’the generation of climate change’’ in which humanity will suffer the consequences of global warming, yet as a result of being evolutionary will have failed in ´´managing progress and quality of life´´, its ecosystem mission having been wrong and leaving the disappearance and extinction of millions of living organisms in its wake, yet through all of this supported by the narcissistic claim to be searching for the highest ´´quality of human life´´; we will ironically be in an era of regress from progress. The hope now is that the new generation, educated by the generation of cognitive blindness and through analyzing the age of order, from the first and the future second chaos cycle, has the capacity to break free from its blindness and unite itself once again with the earth in its plus resilience, returning to a natural, logical and ecosystemic evolutionary cycle after the second chaos cycle in which we return to an era of order. Indeed this analysis will surely come after having felt the effects of droughts, floods, famine, shortage of drinking water and the appearance of emerging, re-emerging and forgotten diseases, amongst other negative impacts. It will also affect the noosphere in which the current firm conviction of ´´progress and quality of life´´ will be thrown into doubt…although many of us will not be around to see it! It must not be forgotten that human beings have also have carried out, are carrying out and will carry out many positive acts in all areas for our society and the planet itself, yet sadly the failure by the majority to manage its progress will without a doubt bring us all to an era of chaos between 2020 and 2090. Gregory Mejía Sandoval This editorial is based on the book: The Generation of Climate Change: An approximation from focusing on chaos, Manuel Guzmán Hennessey. 2010, second edition. 10 Revista CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia / Volumen 7 / Número 1 / Enero – Junio de 2012/ ISSN 1900-9607 http://www.revistamvzces.com/revistas/vol7no1/Editorial_ingles.pdf

Tabla de contenidos de la publicatin de CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012

CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012
Qualidade microbiológica do leite in natura durante o processo de obtenção e após o resfriamento
Estudio biométrico del palomo español “Buchón Colillano”
Efecto terapéutico de un fármaco frente a los hemoparásitos del bovino Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina y Anaplasma marginale
Evaluación del efecto de la alimentación y de la administración de omeprazol en pellets vía oral sobre el pH del jugo gástrico en equinos adultos
Uso de dispositivos auriculares de nogestomet en inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo en bovinos doble propósito, con amamantamiento permanente
“La enfermedad es otra”: itinerario terapéutico de la fasciolosis bovina en Rionegro (Antioquia)
Aspectos fisiológicos y bromatológicos de Brachiaria humidicola
Dimorfismo sexual y desviación en la proporción de los sexos en embriones preimplantatorios
Resistencia de la Salmonela a los antimicrobianos convencionales para su tratamiento
Muerte súbita asociada a descarga eléctrica en un equino: reporte de un caso

CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012
