The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES - (Page 41)

C o min g with your family E oRGanISInG woRk F FaMIly allowanCES/ On presentation of the convention d’accueil du scientifique, the spouse is issued with a visa marked “CESEDA L 313-11-5°” and then, on arrival in France, a carte de séjour “vie privée et familiale” (private and family life residency permit). The special feature of this type of carte de séjour is that it authorises the holder to work in France. Scientists’ spouses therefore have the right of access to the French employment market. A ruling by the Cour de Cassation (France’s highest appeal court) on 16 April 2004 decided that “foreigners living in France on a regular basis with their dependent children enjoy full rights to family allowances/benefits”. This enables researchers to have their children recognised by the Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF), and hence to receive family allowances/benefits, just like other foreigners legally living and working in France. FoR yoUR SPoUSE The legal period of the working week in France is 35 hours (or 39 hours in businesses of under 20 employees). The legal minimum wage is called the SMIC (Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance), which is €9,40 gross an hour (before deduction of compulsory social security contributions, which amounts to about 20 %). For futher information, contact: BEnEFITS Until 16 April 2004 the CAF asked for the OFII medical certificate for each child living on French territory for whom family allowances were requested. Now the children of scientifiques (scientists) enjoy their own procedure for entry into France, and do not have to undergo this medical check-up. Henceforth, article D 512-2, 4º of the Social Security Code allows the awarding of family benefits from the moment that the foreign national permitted entry as a scientifique is able to present a visa for each of the children in each one’s name. Parc du Thabor © C. ablain / Rennes Métropole 41

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES

Introduction to Rennes
A - The city of Rennes
B - The Université Européenne de Bretagne
Entry and residency formalities
A - Obtaining a visa
B - Obtaining a carte de séjour (residency permit)
Health insurance and health care
A - Social security and health insurance
B - Access to health care
A - Finding somewhere to live
B - Practical information
C - Before arrival
D - Deposit and co-signing
Banks and money
A - Opening an account
B - The cost of living in Rennes
C - Income tax
D - Retirement pensions
Coming with your family
A - Administrative procedures
B - Educational system
C - Schools
D - Childcare facilities for young children
E - Organising work for your spouse
F - Family allowances/benefits
G - Unemployment and the Rights of Foreigners
Daily life
A - Eating
B - Getting around
C - Learning French
D - Communicating
Free time : culture, leisure and sporting activities
A - Where to get information
B - Cultural events and festivals in Rennes
C - Leisure activities
D - Sporting activities
Useful contacts

The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES