Chief Learning Officer - August 2006 - (Page 1)

CO0806.qxd 7/20/06 10:09 AM Page 1 August 2006 S o l u t i o n s for Enterprise Productivity August 2006 CHIEF LEARNING OFFICER Environment B e s t Practices in Learning Governance H u m a n Capital Q u a l i t y Control: L e s s o n s from and for M i d - M a r k e t Companies L e a r n i n g Solutions C L O Competencies: T h e Path for Future Learning Leaders S o l u t i o n s for Enterprise Productivity Productivity P r a c t i c a l Tools to Measure Organizational Effectiveness Ta c t i c s T h e Learning Horizon: To m o r r o w 's Technologies C a s e Study J e n n y Craig: Tr a i n i n g Toward Results C L O Profile D o n n e e Ramelli, G e n e r a l Motors Business Intelligence W h y Businesspeople Speak Like Idiots D o n n e e Ramelli, G e n e r a l Motors VOL. 5, NO. 8

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Chief Learning Officer - August 2006

Editor's Letter
Table of Contents
Taking the Lead
Best Practices
Learning Solutions
In Practice - U.S. GAO
In Practice - Army National Guard
CLO Profile
In Practice - PerkinElmer
Case Study
Human Capital
In Practice - Countrywide Financial Corp
In Practice - Siebel
Business Intelligence
Advertiser's Index
Editorial Resources
In Conclusion

Chief Learning Officer - August 2006