First 100 Days - Transitioning a New Managing Partner - (Page 10)

FIRSt 1DAY0 0S Set Your Agenda Develop an action plan to implement When people talk about getting every- As one managing partner cautioned, your initiative. one on the same page, this is the page Start planning what you hope to accom- they are talking about. there is a natural desire to establish plish by specific milestones. yourself as highly responsive to issues Your imperative should pinpoint that brought to your attention.There are o n e critical area in your firm that O n e new managing partner, w a n t i n g times, I have found, that being respon- demands attention; that area that offers t o ensure that everyone understood s i ve has served to drag out issues the greatest opportunity to contribute that his number one declared impera- t h a t , if I had done nothing for a cou- t o a dramatic improvement in per- t i ve was to build strong practice ple of days, would have resolved on for mance. t e a m s , s u b s e q u e n t ly spent the first their own without my input.Thus, month visiting with every group, and while somewhat counterintuitive, there Get critical partner buy-in. attending every group meeting that is some wisdom in not trying to imme- Draft a written statement of your burn- was scheduled. He exposed himself to diately solve every issue that is brought ing imperative, why it is important and h e a r i n g about which groups were your way.The art to it, of course and what impact it would have on the working effectively, which were dys- the part that is obviously the most f i r m if action were to be effectively functional, which were in need of dif ficult to figure out is deciding i m p l e m e n t e d . S h a r e it with your key extra resources or executive support, which issues need the managing part- p a r t n e r s , o n e by one over the first a n d which required a change in ner's attention and which will resolve, we e k s of taking office, a n d invite gr o u p leadership. H e set out his perhaps more elegantly, without that them to improve upon it. Collect their vision and then asked people to help attention. suggestions and support, and incorpo- him realize it. rate their views and suggestions into Identify your one burning imperative. While you may have a number of your final draft where appropriate.A Launch a pilot project Look for an area where you might initi- shared priority can serve to drive every- important objectives to tackle, to satisfy one's attention. Ensure that it is com- ate a pilot project that can be instigated b o t h your and the Executive pelling enough to obtain your partner's immediately. Your project can serve to Committee's requirements, start with support. expose partners to new ways of operat- establishing only one key imperative. 10

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of First 100 Days - Transitioning a New Managing Partner

First 100 Days - Transitioning a New Managing Partner