Frontiers of Health Services Management - Fall 2013 - (Page 10)

compassionate organizations can deliver on these commitments only through the selection and nurturing of compassionate people. therefore, cultural work must support our promises to the community and create an environment in which people are equipped to perform at their best. Excellence the value of excellence requires living up to the highest professional and work standards and continually seeking innovative ways to deliver exceptional value to all those who are served. excellence also means never becoming complacent with mediocrity and always seeking to improve how care and service are delivered. it means that • plans and objectives are aligned at all levels of the organization, • all members of the organization know what is expected of them and are held accountable for performance and behaviors, • innovation is encouraged and expected, • long-held assumptions are challenged, and • potential for excellence is developed in order to continually transform. values are the building blocks on which culture is formed, and an organization must take deliberate steps to shape its culture in a specific direction. When values, such as those that KYone has adopted, are the basis for developing culture, they serve as a moral compass that guides all decision making and enables all individuals to clearly understand what is expected of them, what they can expect from the organization and its leaders, and how they are to behave within the organization. Purposeful Culture Development for values to be discernible and effectively lived and shared within an organization, executives must be personally committed and purposefully engaged. leaders cast long shadows, and they shape and Defining Values at KYOne Value Definition Reverence • Demonstrating profound respect for those we serve and those who serve • Encouraging and expecting teamwork, participation, and the sharing of experience, information, and knowledge Integrity • Doing the right thing in the right way for the right reasons, demonstrated by openness, honesty, and transparency in interactions, transactions, collaborations, and communications Compassion • Having or developing the capacity to enter into another’s joy and sorrow • Being ever mindful of one’s commitment to the long-term best interests of all stakeholders Excellence • Living up to the highest standards of one’s profession • In an organization, the alignment of plans and objectives at all levels 1 0 • f ro ntier s o f h ea lt h s e r vic e s ma na g e m e nt 30 :1

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Frontiers of Health Services Management - Fall 2013

Frontiers of Health Services Management - Fall 2013
The Case for Values as a Basis for Organizational Culture
A Moral Compass for Management Decision Making: A Healthcare CEO’s Reflections
Ethics, Values, and Decision Making
Wanted: Morally Courageous Leaders
The Imperative of a Moral Compass–Driven Healthcare Organization

Frontiers of Health Services Management - Fall 2013