Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013 - (Page 16)

3. the organization/community-for example, promoting a corporate-level commitment to quality and improving the health of the entire community if a health system has instilled a culture that facilitates the intersection of purpose and passion at the individual, team, and organizational/community levels, it will naturally be resilient. Culture of Caring and Relationships: An Example of Cultural Resilience lakeland regional Health Systems inc. is located in lakeland, florida, between tampa and orlando. lrHS includes lakeland regional Medical center (lrMc), an 851-bed acute care medical center and florida's fifth largest hospital. as the safety net provider for Polk county, lrMc houses florida's busiest single-site emergency department (eD), with more than 170,000 Caring values, attitudes, visits in fiscal year 2012. and behaviors dominate the demographics that lrMc serves include those the process of care and residents (37 percent, or establish the foundation for 215,000 people) of Polk key relationship-centered county who live at or below 200 percent of the encounters and caring federal poverty level. an relationships. additional 23.4 percent (136,000 people) of the Polk county population do not have any type of health insurance. the most critical challenge facing lrMc is the shortage of physicians, especially in primary care. Polk county has 60.7 practicing primary care physicians per 100,000 lives-37 percent fewer than the state of florida's average, 96.9 primary care physicians per 100,000 lives. Building Resilience at Lakeland Regional Peter Drucker (2002) identified the hospital entity as "the most complex human organization ever devised." the increasing complexity involved in operating a hospital or healthcare system poses even greater challenges to the executives, managers, and team members of lakeland regional. they must anticipate the impact of new technologies. they must evaluate financial transactions to avoid finance regulation compliance troubles while ensuring the organization's long-term viability. they must mediate internal conflicts between professionals and at the same time balance patient, family, and community demands for service. to adapt and sustain itself within such an environment, lrHS began to transform its organizational culture from one based in values to one focused on caring in relationships, a collective term for our commitment to caring, to developing relationships, and to tying the two concepts together as one value. our culture of caring in relationships began at lrMc when the lrMc nurse Practice council brought together a steering committee involving representatives from all levels of nursing, including direct care, management, advanced practice, and administration. the goal of the committee was to clarify nurses' values and the culture of nursing at lrMc as a step toward choosing a professional practice model. a total of 735 nurses (49 percent of those employed at lrMc), representing all ages, education levels, and specialties, completed a survey identifying those values they thought encompassed the nursing profession. ten key themes emerged from the review (Kear et al. 2012): 1 6 * f ro ntier s o f h ea lt h s e rvic e s m a na g e me nt 30 :2

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013

Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013
Riding the Dragon: Enhanching Resilient Leadership and Sensible Self-Care in the Healthcare Executive
Managing Resilience by Managing Purpose
Building Organizational and personal Resilience
Resilience: A Responsibility That Can't Be Delegated
Personal Resilience: A Gateway to Organizational Health and Progress
Response from Feature Aurthors

Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013