Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013 - (Page 9)

pauses allow one to be mindful (alert, present, and open) to the day. otherwise, the risk of psychologically contaminating the environment with negative spillover from our home life, meetings, and other events becomes an increasing danger. the lack of a reflective, renewing inner space increases the chances that one will be closed to what is happening to coworkers, patients, and oneself. alone time, on the other hand, can help healthcare leaders see more clearly how often they are not present but rather wrapped in a cocoon of self-preoccupation. Embrace Self-Care and Self-Knowledge, and Watch Your Team Grow armed with self-knowledge and a healthy perspective, implementing structured self-care practices can enrich personal and team resilience. Bolster your gains by taking the following steps: R ob e rt J. Wic ks a nd Tina C . B uc k * 9 f e a t u r e * Seek role models or mentors who help you maximize your resilience range and enjoy all of your life. choose guides whom you can emulate for their openness and psychological health in how they view themselves and life-no matter what is going on around or in them. these are not perfect people; they are people who recognize that life is not all about work but includes play, family, and community. * Explore with abandon. conduct daily debriefings with yourself. What made you sad or upset you? What situations overwhelmed you? Did any event trigger extreme happiness? confusion? * Seek friends outside your comfort zone. Surround yourself with a community of friends who have different (prophetic, encouraging, humorous, and inspirational) voices. Deliberately cultivate relationships with people from other spheres of your life-people who do not have to walk your path to appreciate you or what you are sharing. * Give yourself a break. embrace sincerity by respecting yourself and releasing the shade of doubt or anxiety about whether you are up to being that person. fortunately, if you face such doubts directly, they can become gates to new learning and commitment and fresh entryways into deeper awareness as a leader. Pull aside a trusted adviser and explore how you are perceived by your team; then make adjustments appropriately. * Give others a break. exhibit humility- that is, fully appreciate your innate gifts and your current growing edges in ways that enable you to learn, act, and flow with your life as never before. You can gain a good sense of where you are on the humility scale by exploring how your leadership team functions. are the team members working collaboratively, meeting deadlines in a way that is respectful of their peers and personal lives, and resolving conflicts in a manner that builds up instead of tears down? * Avoid negativity. Monitor negative self-talk-the unchallenged messages that you tell yourself and you observe with your teams. With a real sense of self, we can approach situations with certainty and humility. consequently, rather than feeling you need to always seek approval or reinforcement (though some is natural and good), you can act out of your true identity. if positive results occur, fine; if negative ones

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013

Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013
Riding the Dragon: Enhanching Resilient Leadership and Sensible Self-Care in the Healthcare Executive
Managing Resilience by Managing Purpose
Building Organizational and personal Resilience
Resilience: A Responsibility That Can't Be Delegated
Personal Resilience: A Gateway to Organizational Health and Progress
Response from Feature Aurthors

Frontiers of Health Services Management - Winter 2013