Journal of Healthcare Management - May/June 2013 - (Page 215)

H ow to I MProve B rea St c ancer c are M eaSure Ment /r e Port I ng t a B l E 2 continued Enhance information technologies Improve availability and integration of information technologies “If you can do things electronically. . . when I get home after I have dinner, I am a renewed man, if I go onto my computer [and] it takes another 15–20 minutes, I don’t mind. I would do that.” “There’s got to be interoperability between cancer registries and the common electronic health records.” “What would really be ideal [is] if a lot of this information could be downloaded into our [TR] database. . . . [I]f we had an interface with a lot of the other hospital databases, that would really be ideal.” Improve data and reporting “We have to . . . come up with categories that we need to label so that we could run reports that are going to be beneficial for clinical practice and still collect . . . financial data versus the other way around.” “If they want to track a particular regimen [say] 20 patients who received Cytoxan, what is the life expectancy of this patient after three years, we would have that information. But we need to get that information from physicians in order to be able to supply them with that.” “I’d like to learn something from this that’s not just for my institution and for my reporting requirements, so that our breast cancer researchers learn something about why this is happening to our patients here. . . . When you create databases of patients in your system, you can study them and learn something more.” Promote the Value of Measurement and reporting Educate about importance of measurement and reporting “I think what you have to do is you first have to educate the doctors about the need for this information. I think you have to really educate the doctors about how not collecting this information impacts upon the lack and quality of care we give our patients.” “Education around the importance of documentation is one element . . . because I think that’s really just not up to par with what I think the national standards call for.” “I’d like to get two for one—get this data, it’s going to take a lot of energy, time, and money, and then what else can we learn from this? Let’s not bury it in some registry in the basement, but let’s use it for some opportunity to otherwise study and learn from our patients.” Promote value of ACS accreditation “For us it’s a minimum certification, a minimum requirement that we have to meet to be seen as a comprehensive cancer center. There’s no choice. We made a board-level commitment around becoming a comprehensive cancer program.” “If you are going to really put resources toward your cancer program, it’s one of the important milestones.” “We are the only hospital [in this geographic area] that’s not accredited by the [ACS].” 215

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Healthcare Management - May/June 2013

Journal of Healthcare Management - May/June 2013
Interview with Thomas C. Dolan, PhD, FACHE, CAE, President and CEO, American College of Healthcare Executives
Equity in Care: Picking Up the Pace
How Might a Reforming U.S. Healthcare Marketplace Threaten Balance Sheet Liquidity for Community Health Systems?
Assessing the Productivity of Advanced Practice Providers Using a Time and Motion Study
A Positive Deviance Perspective on Hospital Knowledge Management: Analysis of Baldrige Award Recipients 2002–2008
How to Improve Breast Cancer Care Measurement and Reporting: Suggestions from a Complex Urban Hospital
The Fear Factor in Healthcare: Employee Information Sharing

Journal of Healthcare Management - May/June 2013