Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014 - (Page 116)

J o u r n al of H ealt H care M anage Ment 59:2 M arcH /a pril 2014 TA B L E 1 Hospital Leadership and Quality Assessment Tool (HLQAT) Domain Descriptions and Example Items Organizational Commitment to Quality: Accountability 1. Public reporting of quality metrics (public reporting) Description: Example: The hospital posts quality performance data on Hospital Compare and on its own internal (intranet) and external (Internet) websites. The hospital also makes the data available in board reports and departmental meetings, as well as to the hospital staff. This hospital shares its clinical performance data in the following ways (e.g., data for quality of care provided to patients with heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia): * Posts the data on the hospital's public website Vision 2. Established quality goals and priorities (established goals) Description: Example: Hospital leaders solicit input when setting QI goals and promote clear statements, policies, and procedures in order to achieve these goals. This hospital has implemented effective policies and procedures to help achieve its clinical quality improvement goals. This hospital has established measures to evaluate progress toward clinical quality improvement goals. Organizational Culture 3. Knowledge seeking organization (knowledge seeking) Description: Example: Leaders frequently seek input about quality and issues from employees, patients, and the community at large. During the past 12 months, how often did the hospital leadership seek input about quality and patient safety issues by doing the following activities? * Conducting community focus groups * Surveying employees about clinical quality improvement and/or patient safety During the past 12 months, how often did the hospital leadership review the following items? * Updates on major clinical quality improvement initiatives * Progress toward clinical quality goals * Clinical quality indicators/data 4. Collaboration across functions and levels (collaboration) Description: Example: The board, the top medical staff leader, and the medical staff work together on issues of clinical quality improvement. Note: not included in Form B The chief medical officer/top physician leader in this hospital collaborates with: * The board, to address clinical quality issues concerning physician practice * Other senior executive leaders, to address clinical quality issues in this hospital * The top nursing leader, to address clinical quality issues in this hospital 5. Effective communication processes (communication) Description: The hospital supports executive, physician, and clinical leaders who frequently discuss hospital quality data with their staffs. 116

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014

Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014
Interview With Marna P. Borgstrom, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, Yale New Haven Health System, and Chief Executive Officer, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Connecticut
Specialties: Missing in Our Healthcare Reform Strategies?
Costs and Benefits of Transforming Primary Care Practices: A Qualitative Study of North Carolina’s Improving Performance in Practice
Governing Board, C-suite, and Clinical Management Perceptions of Quality and Safety Structures, Processes, and Priorities in U.S. Hospitals
Use of Electronic Health Record Documentation by Healthcare Workers in an Acute Care Hospital System
Why Hospital Improvement Efforts Fail: A View From the Front Line

Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014