Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014 - (Page 156)

J o u r n al of H ealt H care M anage Ment 59:2 M arcH /a pril 2014 and provide additional details on the dangers of unrealistic planning and timelines, failure to create buy-in and empowerment, one-way communication, lack of a compelling vision, little or no teamwork, lack of accountability, unclear performance expectations, and lack of top management support in hospital change efforts. The majority of the factors that cause hospital change to fail fall into the category of ineffective leadership and an absence of wellestablished and fundamental principles of change management. And while some of these problems have been previously noted by other researchers (Bazzoli et al., 2004; Cunningham et al., 2002; Capoccia & Abeles, 2006), they now take on greater urgency in light of the hyperdynamic healthcare landscape. The volume of real, successful change initiatives needed is only accelerating in healthcare settings. With the introduction and rollout of the numerous components of the ACA, healthcare leaders will need the buy-in and vested interest of their teams. Issues of access, quality, and cost are here to stay and are difficult to address without strong and effective change leadership. With the world of healthcare becoming more of a level playing field through the consolidation of providers, the ability to identify, understand, plan, and implement change initiatives will become a key area for competitive advantage. FIGURE 2 A Healthcare Leader's Change Checklist When approaching a change and improvement effort, do our leaders . . . 1. Take the time to develop an effective and realistic implementation plan with realistic timelines? 2. Make it a high priority to create buy-in and ownership with the people who are responsible for implementing the plan? 3. Lead by example and demonstrate both competency and character? 4. Create realistic and effective action plans and processes when performance improvement is needed? 5. Practice effective two-way communication to ensure that people understand the message and that their concerns, needs, and expectations are understood? 6. Make a compelling case for change, create a clear focus, and specifically identify desired performance outcomes? 7. Make it a priority to develop the teamwork and cooperation necessary to support a desired change or improvement initiative? 8. Provide ongoing measurement, feedback, and accountability for every change initiative they are responsible for leading? 9. Clarify the roles, goals, and performance expectations for each individual involved in the change improvement effort? 10. Provide people with the additional time, resources, and support necessary to create real change in performance improvement? 156

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014

Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014
Interview With Marna P. Borgstrom, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, Yale New Haven Health System, and Chief Executive Officer, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Connecticut
Specialties: Missing in Our Healthcare Reform Strategies?
Costs and Benefits of Transforming Primary Care Practices: A Qualitative Study of North Carolina’s Improving Performance in Practice
Governing Board, C-suite, and Clinical Management Perceptions of Quality and Safety Structures, Processes, and Priorities in U.S. Hospitals
Use of Electronic Health Record Documentation by Healthcare Workers in an Acute Care Hospital System
Why Hospital Improvement Efforts Fail: A View From the Front Line

Journal of Healthcare Management - March/April 2014