The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 49

College Students in Crisis: Prevention, Identification, and Response Options for Campus Housing Professionals

	 Factors both internal and external to the
student can increase the risk of a maladaptive
or pathological stress reaction (Brock, 2002).
While physical proximity (i.e., geographical
closeness) to a crisis event appears to be the
greatest risk factor for a pathological response
to the situation, emotional proximity (e.g.,
knowing an affected individual) is another
strong risk factor for developing a pathological
response (Brock, 2002). There are also several
student-level factors that appear to increase a
student's risk of developing a pathological response; for example, students' limited access
to previously utilized resources (e.g., social
connections, financial support), a history of
prior traumatization, developmental immaturity, an avoidant style of coping, or poor emotional regulation can all increase one's risk
of developing a pathological response (Brock,
2002; Pierson & Canto, 2012). Furthermore,
students with a history of mental illness may
experience an increased intensity of symptoms
during adjustments or crisis situations (Brock,
2002). Students who use or abuse substances
often increase substance use when they are
distressed as a means of coping or self-medication (Brock, 2002).
	 Despite the presence or absence of the
aforementioned risk factors, it should be noted
that anyone can develop a pathological response to crisis (Pierson & Canto, 2012). The
following warning signs are indicators for RAs
that a resident may be experiencing significant
distress: Intrusiveness of the event (e.g., intrusive memories, prolonged distress); persistent
avoidance (e.g., avoiding persons or places associated with the crisis); pronounced and persistent negative changes in thoughts or emotions
(e.g., inability to recall key details, self-blame,

disruption in ability to experience positive
mood or emotions); or increased disruptions
in arousal or reactivity (e.g., aggression, recklessness) (American Psychiatric Association,
2013). Specifically, withdrawal from social activities, depressed mood/tearfulness, missing
classes, not attending mealtimes, recent isolation from peers, excessive anger outbursts, persistent somatic complaints, or taking excessive
precautions are often observable clues to a student's distress (Brock, 2002). Any one of these
behaviors or emotions in isolation may not be
problematic, but when a student is presenting
several at once, the student may benefit from
intervention (Pierson & Canto, 2012). Lastly,
any indication by the student of risk of harm
to self or others is a distinct warning sign that
intervention and referral for mental health
services is needed immediately. Regardless
of the presence of risk factors, if a student is
exhibiting one or more of the warning signs
described above, referral for mental health services is advised (Pierson & Canto, 2012).
	 In contrast to the pathological stress reaction described above, residents can also demonstrate a healthy response to stress. Students
experience a healthy response to stress when
the stressful situation energizes them toward
positive action to reduce the stress. For instance, residents feeling stressed about an
upcoming exam might channel their efforts
into studying. Likewise, residents upset about
a relationship issue might take action to talk
more openly about their feelings and state
their needs more clearly. For RAs, becoming
adept at helping residents identify when they
are engaging in a pathological versus a healthy
stress reaction is a core developmental skill, essential for knowing how to best intervene with

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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2

The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - Intro
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - Cover1
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - Cover2
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 1
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 2
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 3
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 4
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 5
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 6
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - Contents
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 8
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 9
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 10
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 11
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 12
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 13
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 14
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - 15
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - Cover3
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 43, No. 2 - Cover4