AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 67)

craft receiver tuned to the channel on which a reply is expected. The frequencies 1 1 7 12L9 me and 2., discussion. [Use of the terms "VFR all of those listed in the IFR group 1. group* and "IFE group" are only for from 1 8 1 to 121.3 me should he used convenience i identifying: the columns Simplex under IFB operation. They n in the table. Frequencies are not re- also may be used as Simplex channels atricted, and may be used for either under VFR or as receiving only channels in the aircraft with transmission IFR or VFR flying as re~uired.-Ed.] The VPB group was formed with air- to the ground on other appropriate craft transmitters of from- four to 12 channels, channels in mind, while the IFR group Here ia-how you should use the varirequiren faransmitters haifing slightly ous frequencies (all are inmegacycles) : nore than 20 channels, Evnergwey freqwiwy-12Jms. May be Selection of specific frequencies ia used i an emergency, and also to pron the VFK group for installation in your vide communications when equipment plane depends upon the scope of your failure prevents ua6 of r e g d d y operations and the number of crystals assigned frequencies. In addition, 121.6 the tranmitter can accommodate. For may be ttaed to make Initial call reexample, if your equipment la of the questing inf omiation regarding the f refour ehimnel type, your choice might be quencies available for routine caimia.¥em.i 121.6, 1 2 1 1 2 5 and 122.8 me. 2 . , 2. cation when those frequencies cannot Use of frequencies auch aa 121.6, he otherwise determined. This channel n 122.8 and 123.0 me are on a Simplex is authorized for search and rescue i basis, which means that both the trans- connection with lost or downed aircraft mittor and receiver are on the same and may be used to obtain radar channel. Frequencies such ae 122.1, weather advisories from air defense 2. 122.6, 122.6 and 122.7 me ate used to radar units. Use of 1 1 6 during an transmit to the ground, with the air- emergency is not mandatory. If you Frequencies AIRCRAFT CO. P. 0. Box719 fort Collins, COIO* Tel. Hunter 2-61 62 Announces ore now in production! Wwfn Aimwh Co. ora mpfff* i-pJof, 90 hip. fit Mwrfuttfon of Sihrau* SPECIALS AND ALL S ILVAI RE PARTS in their new factory FREQUENCY DEPLDTNENT want a new RtEB. FE RR MOW FUTURt WEB PUN BIM M M FUTURE HJIM Silvaire a a 500 mile range silflex landing gear with steerable toil wheat foam rubber (eot* airliner ventilation openoble windows gross wt. 1400 l k * The firat (lumber after each frequency denote* the number of facilltie~now listed as guarding the frequency. The necond number denote)! the number o f agsignmentm, including all equipment in process of installation or in approved CAA budgets. Not yet cleared for aviation ue& etforter generator McCauley Mt-1 Prep rearwindow* W&onriranfy~ureofg~dio*Sftvain port*, Md. unrfw OffgiHaf o d mify fypB ewfttcW A m 126.3 Same as 128.1. Some military facilities coavwi'ting 126.18 to 126.2. Future me to be transmitting frequency only for CAA ATCS. Guarded by dl CAA faditlea and most mUtsry facilities. Thia ground control channel to alm tued far control of air- borne traffic. In process o f being cleared for ATC me. 1 6 1 Guarded by all CAA and mili2.8 tarp faeititieu FCC approval needed for civil alrcr&ft ma. 126.8 Temporarily assigned for use by U.S. Army. 1 8 1 - 123.6 Ewtrved tor flight tut 2. and flying aehoola. 128.7 AH CAA ATCS. 126.9 Silvcdre Aircraft Co. P.O. Box 719 Fort Collins, Cdo. Ph. Hunter 2-6162 Please send me data on the Silvaire Special I am interested in your dealer franchise Name Address City ' In piocean of being cleared for ground control and search - 181.9 Adg~ed to air cÈY and rescue. Civil U M temporarily blocked riera. Available to general aviation for enmute tiom om by military DBB o f 1 6 1 . 2.8 through Aeronautical Radio, Inc. S a t MARCH, 1958

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958