AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 82)

18. Fred'. 1 7 3 me. Uwt: MSSi. Lat. 1. Èa-40-if Ltmir. 1 1 7 4 4 0 , f c t field. C w r ~ e Martrictlon at and below 10,000 f M^L bet . yond 25 d faun fM* clackwiw to 070'. NMMohmettf. G*rdner-Radlo. Voice on 2114 kc. deeoBuaiwhed. V 0 V M - B converted to VOBTAC. TOR freauener ebftoeed from 1 4 Z 1. to 1 0 8 roe. 1. Mf(lÇwi St. Jouepb'Rtdio. C n oto VORTAC. Ohio. NeweOowCTtown-Eadio. VOU o eal i on p i trs tat tiwSs. ftco: 101.S me. Ident: CM8. La& 40-U.24, 81.2B-34, WIwonfin. OfUcoeb-BÇdio TOR coiimiinBionai, Fret: l l l . S me, Ident: om. Lat. 4S-ES-26, Long. 88-SS-21. .OtmtxoUed from G Buy ATCS. Clan: BVOR CdUopBia, El Ton) Bee. MCAS-.B*dlo. Cofflmteflaned . 0 Indiana CITY AIRPORT Hillabom mboro Port Wayne Smith Miinidpal New York North Hudson Frontier Town Municipal Texaa Orma Levlnastcn Seaviaae and Helicopter STATE Kentucky CM uf W u t K r Bm M n h s in (Changes md Corrections) Colorado Montana New York WMY Bowmnn H* a Buffalo Mtuijcfml Buffalo ( U i m e ) Havre City-Comity Worthiarton Winchester Greenwood Ti*BflÈl Illinois LandInir Area AebiaTid-Boyd Mairiaip*! Gait Field Smutty REST mtb ema or t o l d BMhioa. Ñ.O Ñeft =r California. Corona. ThufBbr Airport. Abandoned. lows. Cwttin. Herring Fldd. Nama cli~~ge. (former4 Crertoa Airport). U-husetts. Aewuhat Ainrort. New. ItWSItted 1 mUe sE:iteradon 70 f . one runway W / S ) t; 1700 It. Bod; hangam; M/W octane. t z 22 : !' E S17.oa  ulr. A t ) f ~ airport r or wrftm AGRO DEWB.OPMBNTS ¥ox40 O u k Y , III. MM. st. LO&. aonthwait ~irport.~ b m doned. ~sbrat!ea.~onaiw Airport. ~emumeatiycloeai. North Cardina. SÈItobury Rowan County AirB. & Name (form& BrittbmT Mu- Montana. Canyon Creek-Beacon Site 18. HIiKoleipal). KSP: Bead Point-Batcon Bite 16, HLM-WP; Sutherland-Beacon Site VI. HLN-MSP; TfrarOhio. Sbdby. American Tower Cornpan$ Airport. hw-Sflfl~~q 82, HLN-MSF. Site Name dumgt (formarl? Sh* AltBtricl. Orwon. Wilbur-Beacon Site JIB, SFO-SSA. WiuMitstsm. Beacon Hack-Beacon Site SA, PDXGEG; Esva-nola-Beam Site S2, SEA-HLM; Vad-Beacon Site 68A. SPO-SEA. - FSArSda. Patrick Ah Fatfie BIW. Effective Jauncry 16, 1968. Warninfc Area W-497 woa retIesiesatBd to exclude that portion overitppiinV-aTt' Wint Palm Rpfu-h VOR to the Vero Beach VOR. Heir Charts New editfona o the following &rta f pablithed by the U S- Coast and Geodetic Survey have . become avujhble ithce Keceinher 2. 1957. Yror old Drintl are obgolete. Chi- Lincoln NaafavUle Tuh Wichita Boston h a 1 Honolulu Load WAC 70 WAC SOB WAG 216 Datrolt Green Bay Milwaukee Twin CititB Detroit Local WAC 216 WAG 217 RC 220B HC 2211 BC E210 3078 San Juan Local A location IdwUfler in a three-tetter code J slimed by the CAA Airways Owration Division, Wasbinirton, D C.. to radio el&, airports, air. WAY regortins uolnta, and other #{tea. Whenever poiudbte. lottsm are chosen to nwgeai the p h name described m d the letter of the code In oauaUy the initial letter of the loeftlon name. Thase coded IdeatIflet~ ait what yau hear on your receiver as a station MndB out fta 8Jyntd and identtSen) e e written on flight plaaa t o indicate remrtinc points and dettittatjon. The U. 6. Weather Bureau. Pott Office, Air Btpresa h d e s and commercial airlinea freaueotly make we of these mime Identibra where they wish to abbreviate placa names. An up-to-ilate, ~tosa-hdiB of location idnntiflers Ie ~nblluhed (Conan~ted next pays) on  I  world's finest aircraft battery AvaHobIe i r f u the wid. Sixty-twodtstn'buting mints in hw l w the United Stotes and Canada. factory service headqudriers at Reading, P . Oklahoma Ciiu, Okla., and Oakland, Calif, a. flm . THE ELECTRIC AUTO-LIVE COMPANY BATTERY DIVISION TOLEDO 1. OHIO THE AOPA PILOT

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958