AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 86)

IF& wf e fS mound LOB .Afi^elea~that f te SO hours out of 144 hourfl, mind 7011. Tha Spring Swahirre Bdt will have VFE weather during the March 28April 2 period, except for 10 to 25 hum IFR i central and central west Texas, n and two hours of I F S in central Ariaona, the AOPA Weathereast predicts. the next six-day period (144 hours) win be mostly VTR i the Belt, -except n e&ht hours of IFR i central Arizona n and 10 hours of inatnunent weather way, except for a predicted SO hoars of Mwsh 22.57 period Trill I* VPR all the over the southern tip of California. The prediction is that it will te VFR all the way during the next 144-hour period, April 9-14, except for about 19 hours of IFR conditions i central n The AOPA Weathmgst Route Map best chance for VFR weather along specific routes in the Belt -will be found around March 20 and early April. Specifically, the predictions for the route are: Best chance for V F E flying on the Ban Dieg+S(~nFrancisco route, Match 19-21, March 3 , April 1-3, 1 April 10-18; Log Angeles to Phoenix, March 18-21, April 2-8, April 8-8, April 11-18;P o n x to Dallas, March 18-21, hei April 2-8, 8-9, 11-13. Once you reach the Spring Sunshine Belt, there willbeno lade of things to do and see. T eastart with Central Texas. If you Lt s have never seen Texas llnebwets from the nir, you I w e not really lived. Mile after mile, you will fly over a blue carpet when the Texas State flower is in bloom. This big event takes place usually i wxly April in the Austin n says the Continnine w@tmthwngh the state, yon will "W N e t iome at the richest; oil fields i the world and someof $he n country's largest ranches. The Big Bend National Park contains some o f tfee wildest terrain found, anywhere. There, the sluggisli Rio Grade feels its oats and becomes a wild m n t a i n stream. When you fly into El Paw, Tax., you d l b& visiting one of the roo* Matexic areas of the United States. The history of the Pass of the North dates hack to the Spanish Conqni~tadorea the dxof toenth century, a8 does the hiatory of meh of the southernpart of the S p r i n g Belt. Because of %he PASS El sion and buildings~iaanyof which are poek marked with ballets from revolutionary and Federal guusÑJuare oozes history, too. New Mexico is loaded with things for =a cs l itsçl the Gateway Actosa the Rio Grande is the Mexican City of Jnarez. With its ancient mis- dity. Texas, PhotltW C- of C. Photo Jeanobe Neal of Phoenix enjoys spring. sunshine at a heated pool and S&n Antonio area. If you plan to be around therie in April you should get in touch with one of the airports where you plan to stop and ask tile operator to give you a prediction as to when the blossoms -will show themselves; ox you con write the CKarobwB of Commerce in the larger cities and they will give y u the latest bluebonnet tundown. o Fly to the NUT T m one of the W6sf's famous restaurants anef shopping areas. 55 mffea from San Francisco on U. S. Highway 40. Often every day from 7 am to 9 pm. 1900 foot paved Airportà U d w m f 722.8) 80/87 &fane. Send post eard for Brochure. t^ui Tree Airport, VscaviHe, Ca/ifarn/a RALEIGH - DURHAM AIRPORT' 34-HOUR The Place to Stop COVERAW-Gas-Tower Weather -Radio NEW PILOT'S IOUNOE -Clean Rest Rooms MEXICO, MISSOURI MEW TERMINAL BIDO. -Good Beiitaurqt (with. flight atertngl colorful Indian villages and pueblos, lakes, ancient homes of the cliff &dlera, north of Silver City; Aztec ruins, at Aztec, h northern New Mesrico. You can find both the old and {he modem in such fiftiesas Saute Fe and Albuqaerque, or you might want to visit the artists' colony at T w . If you are i n terested i mining, you will find plenty n of that i Mew Mexico, too. The famow n copper mime at Sank Rite. draws many visitors. $0 does Etiidoso with its wellknown recreational facilities. In Arizona, you will find that entert . visitors is a thriving indmtry, particularly aronnd Tncaon a d Phoenix.This area has experienced phenominal growth during the last decade, but the charm o f the old west is &till there. The flyer gets special attention around Phoenix and Tucson. Dude ranches, cinbs, and even a horse-racing course, have their own landing strips foe the convenience of "theirgueata who travel by private p h e . Turf Paradise, near Phoenix, provides landing facilities for the who like to watch the bang-tails run. Resorts, inns and dftde ranches ear Phoenix, which have their own Tandine strips, inchlde the fallowing: Tbe.Wigwarn -at Litchfidd Park has a &TOO-foot paved landing strip; C y a 3 m a Isa 1c a Scofctsdale) a 2,600-foot landhtg strip, t and The; flying E kanch at Wickenburg (S$OO-foot landing strip), and m o de Los Caballeros (also at c h Wickenburg) about 50 milea northwest of Phoenix. You will find accommodations i and n around Phoenix and Tucson bq meet your taste and pockefbook, At the plush places the range from about $ I S a day single and $25 double upward. You can find jiotds, motels, apartments and room with board in Phoenfac, at about the price yon-want^a pay. At a very good motel prices range Iran $ 6 to $12 a day for a couple. Good hotel rooms are available for around $10-m9 double. the tourist to see. The world-famous Carlsbad Caverns are located in the southeastern tip of the State. There are raw THE AOPA PILOT

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958