AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 89)

Airport. Um>&vedstrip,2,600 ft.; t i e - d m ; WcSENWBC E Ran& l de I# CabAller~ tofttooins; airport on g a ~ ranch; tramit portatibn furnished. 65 VA. north <rf Phoenix. WICKEMJin Flying E Guest Banch. Ha surface m y , 3,200 ft,; tie-down; gaa a 1 oil; rattaumht and rtatiwlms. Complete guest m c h facilities. Courtesy tronspor- tattoo. paved rwy, 6,000 ft.; repair; tie-down; mi.; transportation available. SO mi. fra WI- Cochise Comity Airport. Un- Chiricahna National Uomnwat. W I U J ~ Williams Municipd Alrpol Unjcotn: unpaved rwy, 4,800 fk; beoç and rwy lighting; repairs; gas and ol . hangar and' &down; rentroom; reatanrants and RON ace& 8 m . taxi and car i; rentaL Near hunting and fishing; areas, ED m . mhth of Grand Canyon National Par^ i WMSIOW Window Municipal Airpol Tower, 24 hm.; paved r ~ y a ,7,600 ft fceseon and lighting; all ~fliTicfa; res r o o k ; EON 4.eeds 1<?4ml.; taxi and car rental. W M Yuma-Viacent Air Force Bsae. 24itr, tower; night fa.&; p w e d rwys, 9,600 ft,; all sarricea amilable; h t n m and tiedown; rasttoom and restaurant; RON Q U B - dm; a1 w1 1 n 1 ~ tax^ 16 ~ e b. Convenient to LOB Angelea, La# Vegas, BAR Diego and Palm $prfngB z i w r t areas. CALiFORNtA W Apple V d e r Ainxtrt. RWY blacktop, 4,200 ft.; sight f a d e ; tie-down; APPLE V Your National Headquarters ly over Bethesda, Md.?a busy Washington, D C, suburb, and you can spot the .. m o d e r n building which honaea AOPA. (See arrow) AOPA headquarters are approximately a .mile wml a half from the District of Columbia line. Below is the street front view of {be bailding which since 1961 baa been the center o f AOPA activities. Plans are being drawn for construction of an addition to be completed i the fall of 1 B .Thia annex will nearly double the space available to n 98 AOPA and has been,made iwe-i'y by the Association's remarkable growth in recent years. Pw l* gas and oil; reatrooma and mtÈnrant transportation. One-quarter m . to fsiaons i Apple Inn. All recreation facditita. B I Barrego Valley Airport. Asphalt rwy, 8,600 ft.: tie-down; no ma; riittrOom; RON accda adjacent; tramportation. Convenient to Imperial Valley retreutiqnal areas. flOULDE8 WEE# Boulder Creek Airport. E y oiled, 2,900 ft.; tie-down; gaà and oil; w RON acote 8 mi. Resorts and National Parks, 3 mi. B U m K Lockheed Air Terminal. Patwy, 6,900 it.; d services; complete lighting; CAA coma uta.; teletype, WX; rwtrooms and restaurant; RON a d s adjacent; t a x i and car rental. ULEXIGO Cftlexim Mimicipal Airport. Rwy unpaved, 2,600 ft.; minor repaim: hangar and tie-down; reitrooms; restaurant and RON accda half ml. i town; taxi; n golf m u m , port of entry f o r M x c . eio Mittimmn charge for Coatottts service on Gentry field. U n p w d rwy, repairs; tie-down; gaa and oil; RON accds adjacent; courteÈ 3 mi. Calico Ghost Town. US Kivedew Airport. Unpaved 2,650 ft.; strip tightkg on request; ; gas and oil; bangnr and tie-down; oms sad resUnrant; JMW needs adjacent; taxi and car rental. One hr. to Grand Canyon National Park; 100 i i to ni L m Vegas. a PUN SPRINGS Palm Sprtom Airport. Paved rwyn, 7,000 ft.; night fads; aU services; hangar and tie-down; Unicorn; lounge, restaurant and restrooms; taxi; One mi. to various RON accds. Center of many resort attractions for this location. $AM BERMJUUINO Tri-City Airport. Unpaved rwys, 8,400 ft.; beacon and rwy lighting; repair BVCE; hangar and tie-down; reatroomg and restaurant; RON accds half m. (an rental. i: Iw Jtwisi Phafà EwUrvrifW, Wçftinafirn D. C. Ad @Wf&building will protide more space for staff dm i to MARCH, 1958

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958