AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 91)

GA& 4tern'adiafe Field. P * a k6QO It.; beacon and twy IiglitniK; tie-dowtt; rwtaurant and RON accds 6 ini. EL W International Airport. Tower, 34 hm.; night facia; paved rwya, 9,000 ft.; repair a m ; hangar and tie-down; xe~tau~wy~, rant and reateaoms; RON accda one-half mile; limousine, taxi and ear rental. Free transportation Iu~lliBhed by adjacent moth.A river faom Jnatez, Mexican airport of entry; 80 mi. to White Sands Natioaal Monument; Carlsbati Caverns, 160 mi. boatingand Â¥watesiding; Cascade Cavern, 26. mi. SM Wmm a*mn M~Kicipol Airport. Tower, (%(W to l . paved r w y ~ ,4,800 a& ft4; repair ma);hangar and tic-dawn: #atrooma and mtaurent; ROW accds 1 rwys, S,7M rotating beacoia; rwy lighting; tupair BTW; haneftr; reatrooms; restsitraat; RON needy 1 mi.; taxi. Deer, tttrkey, javeUna and other small game hunting i m r l ana. 32 mi. to Gamer Stole n oa Park. er; m. tx. i; a! STEPHENVILLE Stepheaville Municipal AirPort. uniav.ed strips, 8,tHiO ft.; lighting on FORT miTH M e d a m Field. Tower, 24 his.; night fads; paved rwya 6,206 ft.; repair avca; tie-down; restaurant and reatrooms; RON seeds 6 m i ; bug 'and t&xL 30 mi. to Dallas, 12 mi. to lake resort areand 7 mi. t o Botanical Gardens. FORT WORTH Amon Carter Field. Tower, 24 hra.; night fads; paved rwys, 8,400 ft.; tie-down; reattooma and restanrsst; RON accda 8 mi.; limousine, car rental and boa. 11 m . to Grapevine Lake, 3 mi. to i Western Hills Ina, Cotton Bowl, 19 nL KERRVILLE Kerrville Municipal Airport. Paved r w s , 4+000 ft.; rotating beaton, rwy lighting; repairs; hang= avd tiedown; rwt-rootna and restaurant; SON seeds 1 mi.; letttal ewe, taxi and courtesy ears. I in center o f hfll country which i s s good for deer and wild &key hunting. Also good summer resort center. JURFh Maria-Alpine Airport. Paved m 7,600 ft.; W lighting OB request; , rotating beacon; hangar and t i e - d m ; ratrooma; w à t r i and RON accda 1 0 t ˆ t ai mi,; taxi. Near In lodges. McUNEf Utfton Comity Airport, Paved w y a , 4,400'; ~ w y lighting and beacon; hangar and tie-down; restTcoiia; w m trant and RON seeds % m . taxi. I86 m . i; i from Big: Ban National Park. NIHJUH Midland Airpark> Paved rwye, 6,400 ft,; repairs, himgwr and tie-down; etroewc; reatewant find RON accda 2 m. rental cars wad taxi. 36 tni. to Monai; h a n m State Park. MDLJUH Midland Air T e n d a d . Tower, 24 hm.; night facia; paved rwys, 6.600 ft.; repair svca-; hangar and tie-down; refitroom; restaurant; hotels and motels, 10 mi. toxi, limousine and rental ~61s.Near Midland and Odessa cities; 36 mi. to Wonabam State Pa*. Bey H w d Memorial AfrpOft. Paved m , a &600 ft.; night tacit.; repair svea; hangar and t i e - d h ; MBtaurant and BOH seeds 1 mi.; free trans . portation to town. 6 in!. to Sand Hills SUto Park. ODESSA Ector County Airport. Paved rwys, 6,000 ft.; night fads; repair sves; hangar atid tie-down; mstrooms; reatanrant and RON accda 3 m . Taxi. i PECBS Pecos Municipal Airport. Paved rwya, 7,200 .ft.; m y lighting and beacon; repairs; hangar and tie-down; xeetrooma; reatauraat sad RON accda 1 mi.; taxi, Balmorhea National Park, 36 mi.; Big Send National Park, 200 mi, SM JUIBBJI San Angelo Municipal ' Airport. Tower, 21 bra.; paved rwyo, 6,000 i . t; night fads; repair svcs; hangar and tiedown; reetrooni~;restaurant; EON aecds 8 m . tail and rental cars. Resort lake i; arena 2 mi. SM ANTONIO San Antonio International Airport. Tower, 24 his.; night fads; repair a v a ; hangar and tiedown; rest= and restaurant; RON ftccda 2% Â¥mi. baa and taxi. Alamo, Old Spanish Msrm i fi , many dude ranches nearby, Medina Lake for excellent Gshing; Lake MuQneeney Joe request; repairs; hangar and tie-down; restrcotns and teflhuraat; RON accda 1 mi.; taxi. SWEETWATER Swmfrwatkr Municipal Ah" port. Urn-; rwya paved, 6,200 it.; flight facis; repair &wee; limgar and tie-down; restroom, r^ataaTant; SON wc 1 mi.; sb taxi and '.rental c n 12 mi. t o good lake a; resort area, WflLDE Garner Field. Unicorn; paved VAN HORN Cdberson County Airport. Paved rwya, 0,000 fin botiadary lighting; tie-down; restroonu; reatlluTant; RUN needs 3 mi. 65 tai. to taaort1 park a m ; transportttwa- faae to twn.3, swimnitog pools i town; gactthunting an^. Big Bend n National Park. 60 mi, VICTORIA Victoria County Airport. Pored rwya, 6,000 f. rwy lighting; mpair a m ; t; hangar m d tie-down; r^atroom; restanrant; fiOK a& 10 nil.; limousine wad rental wee. 120 mi. to national parkareau. Fly a BENSEN COPTER m 1 1 comer flyinn wilt 1 AIR PRINTING SERVICE 1 liinstet. moat inexpcnSIvecraftoflitUcoctar type. Easy lo builjit. Order 3-Èfe (Inking*. specs md photo for $1. Motor-powered GyroCooler drawiniis12. Ask For lnnwilttti Iflftirffirtiw:RltM* or write cut VWfTOW PXESS, 0#8&Et&sstra,skSTf lW7 M4-MO CANAL e E T NEW YORK 18, N Y. . WOrth. - /NC. FLY FLOATS, and a whole new freedom of flight opens upmillions of places to land, no towers, no traffic-just the nicest kind o flying you'll ever know. With Edo floats, your own f Cessna, Piper and many other types can be readily converted to seaplane use. Write for "How to Fly Floats" booklet and Edo float brochure. Dept. P-3 S~ ! I C , C o l l e g e P o i n t , Long I s l a n d , N e w Y o r k MARCH, 1958

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958