AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 95)

Tim TIl-MEEll. 1C Sunr-Ci~tcMi. Only la tours 9T #I time. BçauUft1Kay Wesi btw and 0Èto Mite. far any cIW M W i M model i l r p l i f l ~~flntoct . JnnAdimi Almraft Sales Inc., F. 0. Box 3 % Mmphls IB, Tam., remit EX I&%. 4 IMMEDIATE CASK M del EseWPC 4 i B Newly convertal. lncludw following l-. forney ftqutpment Super sound pnwflii;, + tm mi i inttriw, nnw forneif nBint ichume. tHibhle wiiulililelil. m ) i SUPEX-CUB 1IU. Onl a0 TT wtrw, fw tad I I c W piace) C n i ~ pint. All to DecembÈ '58. f3,& W. if. Mago*, M%~u~Ç Mç 130 . metal, iw onin;, mhrti b t a t w w m a i t R. C. & G, S.W.I.,6Whw ~tr.&n. HdhE lir. Recorder, h e r atro. ~ ~ m ~iruidi, ~ f cSF.0. I BW 1~9, , Dttrfisld, Mm, IMMEDIATE USH. M dews 'for my chwi BUtt or PIPER C l I F F f PA-16 2à h m SMOH, 1 model tirplwe* C W t Jack h a m a Alrcraft falaa IN., ami, LF mmidr, W F * ~ M I ~ ~ i m ~ P 0 Box 5446. M p t 16. Tam., Phoim EX 1-4436. .. m h* IS58. Bust wwnable off~r.C. 1. S h r , 4317 HÈ XCÇ~WUM b! h wlth Q Ilent K e h t w ~ c on# ' t t w ' c ~ n a n ~ k L s fircrA%~m d Inc., b.0. Box 544, Memphi 16, Tom,, phmo EX 14 3 1 s -46 003. & in n IMNEBMTE CUH, no d e l m for any e l u n m i t e model airplane Contact Jack hum Atr-craft S* P. 0. Ban 5446, Mmphtt 1 , Tam., Ptiolu EX 6 =" w INHWIATE U W ne rtlw for any clwit make or S, modol aifptane Cmhut Jack A i Aircraft Salt Im., dm P. 0. Box SW; Mrnplli* 1 , Tern., Phone EX 142s 6 PIPER PUEI PA-20 1%1 Milt HO. 0439 N SMOH lye. O-iSO-O 'em#. &tat prop. 1118 TT. fenillx VHI' transmitter, LF nun and Sdcst. WelVaI full etectricil KPUB1.1C #WEE& 8 f M f2250. 1947, ftPFFWKP, 425 totel toon. BSF Miiiiw. Lw propallor hub. t ~ t w lwp. Newer In salt water. Rtllcensud SepIf d r , h n . Perfect cwidltim, (3750. Pttmm and Margo, 47S Fifth AVtFWB, Now Tort 17, N. Y. S E U E E AMPHIIIAU. I , hOlin TT. Radio. Porfect M 320 condition. Hç license. Clarmce SyloKter, eolbn, Ind. w, IMMEOIKE WÇ no Sahys fur any c l u n m a w k model aimlain. Contact Jack Mi s Aircraft fatw Inc., m P 0. Box 5446, Mmphla 16, Ttnn., Ftlme EX 1436. . PIER HhrXCEII. 135f (Stpt) Suplir-CintonI So Inilf* TT cwqlttfl ~IIM roup i ~omi) A.D.F.,' AW. tink f a ~ li~ 1 1 1 à § t i CMI& With, MM tfm~,. ) t tun red w m d 6çtte than maw WXB or ,bit M r . S. w i m n 110 ~ à § n i à § t . -ill*, ~ A, m N. C. ~timr l ~ # 'iI ~ a r . ~ t SWIFT ~ MARCH, 1958

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department

AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958