Spring 2014 Books & Videos Catalog - (Page 126)

126 AmericAn PsychologicAl AssociAtion ◆ Bargain Bin Anxiety and Depression (cont'd) experiences of Depression Theoretical, Clinical, and Research Perspectives Save Up to 70% Off Original Prices! Virtual Reality therapy for Anxiety Disorders Advances in Evaluation and Treatment taxometrics Toward a New Diagnostic Scheme for Psychopathology norman B. Schmidt, roman kotov, and Thomas E. Joiner, Jr. Brenda k. wiederhold and Mark D. wiederhold 2005. 225 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-031-1◆◆◆iteM # 4317017 2004. 198 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-142-4◆◆◆iteM # 4316033 All Bargain Bin titles $19.95 unless otherwise noted. Feminist Family therapy Empowerment in Social Context Edited by louise B. Silverstein and Thelma Jean goodrich 2003. 393 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-021-2◆◆◆iteM # 4317014 Preventing Violence in Relationships Interventions Across the Life Span Sidney J. Blatt 2004. 359 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-095-3◆◆◆iteM # 4317039 Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed older Adults gregory A. Hinrichsen and kathleen F. Clougherty 2006. 227 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-361-9◆◆◆iteM # 4317102 Personality-Guided therapy for Depression Families and Couples Ethics Action therapy With Families and Groups ethical Practice in small Communities Using Creative Arts Improvisation in Clinical Practice Challenges and Rewards for Psychologists Edited by Daniel J. wiener and linda k. Oxford Janet A. Schank and Thomas M. Skovholt neil r. Bockian 2006. 325 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-410-4◆◆◆iteM # 4317109 Phobic Disorders and Panic in Adults 2006. 239 pages. papeRBaCk. isBn 978-1-59147-346-6◆◆◆iteM # 4312005 ethics in HIV-Related Psychotherapy Clinical Decision Making in Complex Cases A Guide to Assessment and Treatment John r. Anderson and Bob Barret Martin M. Antony and richard p. Swinson 2001. 368 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-55798-722-8◆◆◆iteM # 4312320 2000. 422 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-55798-696-2◆◆◆iteM # 431756a Health Care ethics for Psychologists 2003. 299 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-012-0◆◆◆iteM # 4317012 Assessment of Partner Violence A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners Jill H. rathus and Eva l. Feindler Couple Power therapy A Casebook Theory, Research, and Practice Stephanie l. Hanson, Thomas r. kerkhoff, and Shane S. Bush peter l. Sheras and phyllis r. koch-Sheras Edited by David J. A. Dozois and keith S. Dobson 2005. 250 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-152-3◆◆◆iteM # 4312002 2006. 255 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-235-3◆◆◆iteM # 4317074 2004. 330 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-079-3◆◆◆iteM # 4316024 Understanding and treating Anxiety Disorders An Integrative Approach to Healing the Wounded Self Couples Coping With stress Evaluation and Assessment Barry E. wolfe 2005. 301 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-196-7◆◆◆iteM # 4317058 Understanding Depression in Women Applying Empirical Research to Practice and Policy Carolyn M. Mazure and gwendolyn puryear keita 2006. 163 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-406-7◆◆◆iteM # 4316076 Correcting Fallacies About educational and Psychological testing Emerging Perspectives on Dyadic Coping Edited by Tracey A. revenson, karen kayser, and guy Bodenmann evaluating sexual Harassment 2006. 332 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-394-7◆◆◆iteM # 4318032 ' 2006. 338 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-331-2◆◆◆iteM # 4317093 Working With Parents of Aggressive Children A Practitioner's Guide Timothy A. Cavell 2000. 267 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-55798-637-5◆◆◆iteM # 431631a Children and Adolescents Beyond Appearance A New Look at Adolescent Girls Edited by norine g. Johnson, Michael C. roberts, and Judith p. worell 1999. 464 pages. papeRBaCk. isBn 978-1-55798-685-6◆◆◆iteM # 4318871 Child Art in Context 2002. 157 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-55798-903-1◆◆◆iteM # 431789a Edited by Douglas k. Snyder, Jeffry A. Simpson, and Jan n. Hughes To order, call 800-374-2721 Myrna l. Friedlander, Valentín Escudero, and laurie Heatherington emotion Regulation in Couples and Families 2009. 287 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-4338-0392-5◆◆◆iteM # 4318046 2005. 242 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-101-1◆◆◆iteM # 4316027 An Empirically Informed Guide to Practice A Cultural and Comparative Perspective Pathways to Dysfunction and Health william E. Foote and Jane goodman-Delahunty therapeutic Alliances in Couple and Family therapy 2005. 209 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-204-9◆◆◆iteM # 4317062 Edited by richard p. phelps Psychological, Social, and Legal Considerations in Forensic Examinations 2002. 289 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-55798-911-6◆◆◆iteM # 431680a 2004. 394 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-005-2◆◆◆iteM # 4317009 Building Commitment, Cooperation, Communication, and Community in Relationships the Prevention of Anxiety and Depression Edited by paul A. Schewe enhanced Cognitive- Behavioral therapy for Couples A Contextual Approach norman B. Epstein and Donald H. Baucom 2002. 570 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-55798-912-3◆◆◆iteM # 431790a Fax to 202-336-5502 ' Claire golomb Children's Peer Relations From Development to Intervention Janis B. kupersmidt and kenneth A. Dodge 2004. 289 pages. HaRdCOveR. isBn 978-1-59147-105-9◆◆◆iteM # 4318008 Helping Children Cope With Disasters and terrorism Edited by Annette M. la greca, wendy k. Silverman, Eric M. Vernberg, and Michael C. roberts 2002. 446 pages. 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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2014 Books & Videos Catalog

Table of Contents

Spring 2014 Books & Videos Catalog
