Spring 2014 Books & Videos Catalog - (Page 89)

Spring 2014 Personality and social Psychology the social Psychology of Group Identity and social Conflict A CHOICE OUTSTAnDing ACADEMiC TiTLE! In the Wake of 9/11 The Psychology of Terror Tom pyszczynski, Sheldon Solomon, and Jeff greenberg "In this fascinating work, psychologists Pyszczynksi, Solomon, and Greenberg explore the social upheaval that occurred after 9/11 in the context of the work of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker (The Denial of Death, 1973)...Based in empirical research and numerous studies, this persuasive and provocative book should be in all libraries." -CHOICE Magazine 2003. 227 pages. HaRdCOveR. list: $24.95◆◆◆apa MeMBeR/affiliate: $19.95 isBn 978-1-55798-954-3◆◆◆iteM # 431700e ◆ 89 Resolving social Conflicts and Field theory in social science Kurt Lewin APA is proud to reissue these two classics by Kurt Lewin, Resolving Social Conflicts and Field Theory in Social Science, in one comprehensive volume. In this book, Lewin's writings reflect the applied psychologist-his practical interests in the nature and causes of social conflicts and his search for techniques in preventing and resolving them. In Field Theory in Social Science, his concerns are those of the social scientist and the conceptual and methodological tools for understanding the individual and society. Theory, Application, and Practice Edited by Alice H. Eagly, reuben M. Baron, and V. Lee Hamilton In this edited volume, distinguished scholars explore the four areas that have defined Herbert C. Kelman's career: the ethics of social research, conformity and obedience, national identity and nationalism, and ethnic conflict resolution. 2004. 308 pages. papeRBaCk. series: Decade of Behavior 1997. 422 pages. kindle. list: $24.95 $19.95◆◆◆apa MeMBeR/affiliate: $21.95 $19.95 isBn 978-1-4338-0927-9◆◆◆iteM # 4318088 Available only in e-book format Race, Culture, and Identity Moving Beyond Prejudice Reduction Commemorating Brown The Social Psychology of Racism and Discrimination Pathways to Positive Intergroup Relations Edited by Linda r. Tropp and robyn K. Mallett This book examines the dynamics of attitudinal change from the individual to the group levels and proposes a proactive analytical framework. 2011. 272 pages. HaRdCOveR. list: $59.95 $49.95◆◆◆apa MeMBeR/affiliate: $49.95 $39.95 isBn 978-1-4338-0928-6◆◆◆iteM # 4316127 the Psychology of Prejudice Edited by glenn Adams, Monica Biernat, nyla r. Branscombe, Christian S. Crandall, and Lawrence S. Wrightsman The editors offer a critical retrospective on the role of psychological research in the fight against racism and discrimination and an up-to-date review of the psychology of racism and its implications for schools, the workplace, and public policy. 2008. 269 pages. HaRdCOveR. series: Decade of Behavior From Attitudes to Social Action Lynne M. Jackson This book provides an accessible yet scholarly review of social psychological theory on prejudice with the goal of integrating recent theories about its causes and introducing emerging trends in the area. list: $39.95 $29.95◆◆◆apa MeMBeR/affiliate: $29.95 $24.95 isBn 978-1-4338-0308-6◆◆◆iteM # 4316098 Multiculturalism and Intergroup Relations Psychological Implications for Democracy in Global Context 2011. 225 pages. HaRdCOveR. list: $59.95◆◆◆apa MeMBeR/affiliate: $49.95 isBn 978-1-4338-0920-0◆◆◆iteM # 4316125 Fathali M. Moghaddam This book applies current psychological theories on intergroup relations to a variety of cultures and conflicts across the globe. 2008. 207 pages. HaRdCOveR. ® list: $39.95 $29.95◆◆◆apa MeMBeR/affiliate: $29.95 $24.95 isBn 978-1-4338-0307-9◆◆◆iteM # 4317145 psycALErT - Sign up today to find out when new ApA publications are available! PsycALERT® is the official e-mail notification service of the American Psychological Association . For more information on this free service or to sign up, visit: http://notify.apa.org/ To order, call 800-374-2721 ' © See related titles in Multicultural Counseling, page 29 Fax to 202-336-5502 ' Visit www.apa.org/pubs/books http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/431700E.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4318088.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4318088.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/431700E.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4318088.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/431700E.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316098.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316127.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316098.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316127.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316127.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316125.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316125.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316098.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4317145.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4317145.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4316125.aspx http://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4317145.aspx http://notify.apa.org/ http://www.apa.org/pubs/books

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2014 Books & Videos Catalog

Table of Contents

Spring 2014 Books & Videos Catalog
