Fall 2017 Books & Videos Catalog - 8



The Essentials of Conditioning and Learning
Michael Domjan
Now in its fourth edition, Michael Domjan's classic textbook offers an introduction to learning and
conditioning in a concise and accessible style, including the latest influential research findings and
theoretical perspectives.
Basic principles of learning and conditioning are relevant to an increasingly broad range of
psychologists and neuroscientists. Yet in recent years, these core areas have become less prevalent
in psychology and neuroscience curricula. As a result, many researchers today lack the training to
understand key concepts that underlie human development and behavior. While the field of learning
and conditioning is more than a hundred years old, new discoveries continue to be made and new
applications of basic research are tackling major clinical problems. Domjan summarizes these
developments as well as basic learning and conditioning principles using both human and animal
examples. Students and scientists from multiple areas of psychology and neuroscience will value
this succinct overview of the processes and mechanisms responsible for conditioning and learning.
2018. 376 pages. Paperback.
List: $64.95 | APA Member/Affiliate: $54.95
ISBN 978-1-4338-2778-5 | Item # 4313047

Making Research Matter

A Psychologist's Guide to Public Engagement
Edited by Linda R. Tropp
The landmark Brown v. Board of Education case, in which the Supreme Court cited psychological
evidence in overturning school segregation, is just one example of the positive and noteworthy
impact social science research can have on the world beyond academia. But many researchers today
have trouble communicating with non-academic audiences and engaging the broader society. This
book gathers well-known experts to discuss how researchers can impact a wide audience, by lending
their scientific expertise to pressing social issues, current events, and public debates. With pointers
on talking to the media, testifying as an expert witness, dealing with governmental organizations,
working with schools and students, and influencing public policy, this volume helps social scientists
forge the vital link between scholarship and social engagement.
2018. 208 pages. Paperback.
List: $34.95 | APA Member/Affiliate: $29.95
ISBN 978-1-4338-2824-9 | Item # 4317468

Critical Thinking About Research
Psychology and Related Fields
Julian Meltzoff and Harris M. Cooper
To become informed consumers of research, students need to thoughtfully evaluate the research
they read rather than accept it without question. This second edition of a classic text gives students
what they need to apply critical reasoning when reading behavioral science research. It updates
the original text with recent developments in research methods, including a new chapter on metaanalyses. The first part gives a thorough overview of the steps in a research project. It focuses on
how to assess whether the conclusions drawn in a behavioral science report are warranted by the
methods used in the research. The second part allows readers to practice critical thinking with a
series of fictitious journal articles containing built-in flaws in method and interpretation. Clever and
engaging, each article is accompanied by a commentary that points out the errors of procedure and
logic that have been deliberately embedded in the article.
2018. 470 pages. Paperback.
List: $49.95 | APA Member/Affiliate: $39.95
ISBN 978-1-4338-2710-5 | Item # 4318149

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fall 2017 Books & Videos Catalog

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