Bradenton Area - Best Dog-friendly Getaways 2014 - (Page 17)

Travel Tips & Ideas. Mobile Grooming Get some Dog-Gone I.D. Even while on vacation, your pup will need a touch up. But instead of leaving your accommodations and traveling unfamiliar roads searching for the location of a groomer you've never used before, a mobile groomer comes right to your door, saving you precious time and hassle. Besides, your dog has probably traveled enough to get to your vacation anyway! There are several mobile groomers in the area offering years of experience, state-of-the-art equipment and top products. Need some help locating one? Information can be found on page 13 under "Grooming." Your dog should always have a sturdy collar with home address and telephone number on a tag. To protect your dog while traveling, tape your local contact information or your cell phone number onto the tag before leaving, or get a second tag. Many pets today also have a microchip implanted under their skin as a form of permanent ID; it can be read with a special scanner. Also carry a current photograph of your dog that can be copied, to make it easier for others to recognize and return him if he gets lost. Nose Around the New Digs A Word about Water Just as others may childproof a home, on your vacation arrival, take time to inspect your accommodations. Although where you stay may be "pet friendly" that doesn't mean that every inch of the property has been considered in accommodating your dog. And every dog is different - you know your dog's personality and whether it can be trusted with certain objects or situations. So take a moment. Inspect. Reflect. And prepare. The Bradenton Area is surrounded by water. Chances are, at some point during your trip, you may take your dog in or around any of the area's beaches, rivers or open Gulf. Be sure to think ahead and play it safe for you and your pet. When taking your dog kayaking or boating, consider a life vest. When exploring lake or river banks, especially in the wild, remember to watch for Florida alligators. And while on area docks and piers, fishermen may leave baits hooked and ready to cast, so a snooping nose could get a surprise! Simply look ahead and help your pet. Pets in any new environment are usually excited to be there, and just need our extra attention. Locate a local vet before your trip Chances are, your vacation with your pet will go without a hitch or the need for veterinary help. But in the event you need a vet, scrambling to locate one can cause needless stress, especially in an emergency. Take the time in advance of your trip to determine a vet close to your vacation area, so if an event occurs, you can move quickly, confidently and in the best interests of your pet. For a convenient place to start, see the "Animal Hospitals and ER" section on the next page.

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Bradenton Area - Best Dog-friendly Getaways 2014