ASHA Catalog 2014 - (Page 128)

ro w ges oo n o a," ses earn ey n the both fade 128 Consumer Education What is Health Literacy? Your patients and clients need to be able to make informed decisions or follow your advice. You need to make sure that what you tell them is clear and meaningful to them. ASHA is committed to developing information that is understandable and enables people to make informed health care and education choices. Many of our consumer education products have been revised to reflect current health literacy principles. These products are intended to be used as a tool to help you communicate more clearly with patients and families about hearing, speech, language, and swallowing disorders. Our new or revised health literate products are indicated by a Health Literacy icon. The icon indicates that the product is written in easy to understand language. HealtH literacy To learn more about health literacy, visit If Your Child Has Trouble Learning a Second Language Use the language you know best with your child- even if he or she uses a different language at school. Try not to make a sudden change in your child's routine. That would be hard on your child. If Your Child Has Trouble Learning Both Languages It's a good idea to get help from a speech-language pathologist. That's an expert who tests speech and language skills. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Teaching Your Child Two Languages How to Raise a Bilingual Child BrochUre A certified speech-language pathologist has: * The Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) from ASHA This booklet provides information on language development patterns in international adoptees. It discusses the effects of institutionalization on language development, expected language milestones, and risk factors that may indicate a communication impairment. * a master's or doctoral degree, * the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) from ASHA, * and a state license, where required. * A master's or doctoral degree * A state license where required uage, le. ths to their HealtH literacy Item #0112544 For more information, contact 2200 Research Boulevard * Rockville, MD 20850 800-638-8255 (Voice/TTY) or 301-296-5700 * 7661 © ASHA Speech and Language Development in International Adoptees Booklet Contact an SLP certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and have your child's speech and language skills tested. A qualified SLP has Hearing Association (ASHA) 2200 Research Boulevard * Rockville, MD 20850 800-638-8255 (Voice/TTY) or 301-296-5700 * Speech and Language Development in International Adoptees I have concerns about my child's speech and language development. What should I do? * Will work with an interpreter, if needed * Is certified by the American Speech-Language- For more information, contact American Speech-Language-Hearing Association This brochure is written for parents and describes how children learn to be bilingual, and what parents can do to facilitate the learning process. It is written in easy to understand language. Make sure the expert: * Has worked with bilingual children ms Teaching Your Child Two Languages HealtH literacy 7683 © ASHA Item #0220442 Accent Modification BrochUre This brochure gives an overview of accents and outlines different options for modifying accents. ¿Qué recursos puedo utilizar para ayudar a mi niño a ser bilingüe? Item #0210348 * Libros. Puede leerle al niño en ambos idiomas. Puede buscar los libros que necesite en las librerías, las bibliotecas y la "Internet". * Cintas de audio y CDs. Las cintas y los CDs en otros idiomas pueden ser también de utilidad. ¡Cantar es una manera útil y muy divertida de aprender un segundo idioma! * Videos y DVDs. Existen programas infantiles en muchos idiomas. Estos programas con frecuencia enseñan a los niños los números, las letras, los colores y el vocabulario básico. La Asociación Americana del Habla-Lenguaje y Audición (ASHA, por sus siglas en inglés) certifica expertos llamados patólogos del habla y el lenguaje. Estos expertos evaluan las destrezas del habla y el lenguaje. Asegúrese de consultar a alguien que cuente con la certificación de ASHA. Además, asegúrese que la persona posea experiencia con niños bilingües y que utilice los servicios de un intérprete si fuera necesario. * Un título de maestría o doctorado. * Un "Certificate of Clinical Competence" o "CCC" (Certificado de Competencia Clínica) de ASHA. * Una licencia estatal donde sea obligatoria. üòïá En ese caso es mejor hablar con el niño en el idioma en que se sientan más cómodos. Éste es el caso incluso si el niño usa un idioma distinto en la escuela. Pero trate de no hacer cambios repentinos en la rutina del niño. Esto podría causarle tensión. Los niños que presenten problemas en ambos idiomas prodrian necesitar la ayuda de un patólogo del habla y el lenguaje. El niño y el bilingüismo Los patólogos del habla y el lenguaje certificados cuentan con: * Programas de idiomas. Los niños también pueden aprender a ser bilingües en campamentos de idiomas o en programas de educación bilingüe. Estos programas le brindan al niño la oportunidad de practicar dos idiomas con otros niños. ¿Debemos usar solo un idioma si mi niño está presentando problemas para comunicarse? American Speech-Language-Hearing Association ¿Quién puede brindar ayuda profesional? Para información adicional o para que se le ponga en comunicación con el profesional pertinente, comuníquese con: ASHA Action Center 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 (800) 638-8255 (Voz/TTY) Correo electrónico: 6262 © ASHA ï ü Learning Two Languages (El niño y el bilingüismo) BrochUre Describes how children learn to be bilingual, and what parents can do to facilitate the learning process. Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Item #0112545 BRoCHuRES Qty. BooKLETS Price 1-24 $.50 each Qty. 25-49 $.44 each $.60 each 50-99 $.40 each 100+ 888-498-6699 * Price 1-99 $.45 each 100+ $.25 each

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA Catalog 2014

ASHA Catalog 2014
Table of Contents
Important Information About ASHA Professional Development
Calendar of 2014 Events, Online Conferences, and Live Webinars
2014 Conferences & Convention
Language and Literacy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AA C)
Autism and Developmental Disorders
Speech and Voice Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Neurogenic Speech and Language
School-Based Issues
Multicultural Issues
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Cochlear Implants, Auditory Processing, and Other Clinical Issues
Assessment, Amplification, and Audiologic Rehabilitation
Hearing, Hearing Loss, and Balance
Special Interest Groups
ASHA Scholarly Journals
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Communication Disorders
Multicultural Issues
School-Based Issues
College and University
Reimbursement and Medicare
Inspiring and Educational Stories
Assessment Tests
ASHFoundation Merchandise and Gift Items
ASHA Merchandise and Gift Items
NSSLHA Merchandise and Gift Items
Consumer Education
Order Form
Author Index
Product Index

ASHA Catalog 2014