Official 2007 Nanaimo Restaurant Guide - (Page 10)

Isla nd Protection Island oN Is. yt ion e ct r ot to P y oG a br iola Biggs and Jack Point Park Duke Point Ferry Terminal Is le st ca ew Nanaimo Harbour Ve h icle Fer ry t erry Vehicle F n sse wwa to Tsa MAP LOCATIONS Ferr Maffeo Sutton Park rr Fe Gabriola Island Ferry Nanaimo River Estuary Fitzwil liam S t. . rt St Albe Franklyn St. Co m ox Fron t St. Museum Port Place Ha lib ur ton St. Se co nd St. eS t. Prid eau xS t. 12 See Inset Map of Downtown Pa rk Av e. Nic ol St. 19A Petroglyph Park Th ird St. Rd. Harewood Fif th St. Fo ur th St. River Chase St. Colliery Dam Park Se ve nt h 6 19 Morrell Sanctuary Ha re l Trai Parkway The North Nanaimo Hammond Bay Neck Point Park Pipers Lagoon Planta Park yR Ba Hammond Te nt h . St. d. Cottle Lake Lost Lake Ha mm on dB ay Rd . Linley Valley Sugarloaf Mountain Park Ma ki R 4 d. Rock C ity R De pa rtu Co re lw Ba oo yR dR d. d. Wa ldb an kR d. No rw ell Dr . Au lds Rd . Woodgrove Centre rksville To Pa Me tra lD r. La bie ux Dickenson Rd. May Richards Bennett Pioneer Park Oliver Rd. Ap ple cro ss Rd . Do ve rR d. Rutherford Mall Diver Lake Rd . Up lan ds North Ridge Plaza Longwood Dr Station . . er Rd Turn Ru ther for d Visitor Centre Shen ton Rd . i Bowen Rd. R Long Lake Bo xw oo dR d. Du ns ter Do um on tR d. Green Lake Mo sta r 19 Rd . Rd . a rk Th e P way il Tr a Brannen Lake s gg Bi . Rd M i l l ston e River 2007 NANAIMO RESTAURANT GUIDE FERRY Downtown Nanaim No rth fie ld Country Club Centre W st Ea Rd . es Nanaimo Lak Rd. Rd. nes Mi od wo Departu Bay Depar Ferry d. Departure Bay Centennial Park ep D ar tu re Mc Gir rR d McGirr . Park ds Dr. lan Up Bro Lan Ba 19A y hwa Hig nd Isla Do rm a Beban Park n R d. Recreational Beban HouseComplex d.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Official 2007 Nanaimo Restaurant Guide

Dining in Nanaimo

Official 2007 Nanaimo Restaurant Guide