ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program - (Page 125)

GODORT rDA and Government Publications Whether or not the U.S. national libraries implement RDA, records created according to this new code will be present in shared databases. This program focuses on those changes in RDA that affect government publications, including new rules for headings and authority records. Learn about decisions that will need to be made before a library implements RDA. Learn about GPO’s approach to RDA and which national libraries around the world have decided to implement this new code. Important information for technical services units implementing RDA, and for public service librarians who have to interpret new catalog and database records. Subjects: Cataloging, Government Documents & Information LITA Adrenaline rush @ belgrade city Library Belgrade City Library (BCL) represents the largest public library network in Southeast Europe. Despite the economic crisis, BCL reached a record number of members in 2010 and overcame a number of challenges.To fulfill everchanging patrons’ needs, BCL needed to provide staff with the skills and support they need to do their jobs effectively. This is a showcase of what happened behind-the-scenes: where professionals find their inspiration and how they carve new paths in library development. Subjects: Technology, International Issues LITA technology five step support Group “This is a roundtable “support group” specifically for recovering librarians who worked on unsuccessful technology initiatives. The facilitator(s) will group librarians by specialty; each group will address the following questions: 1. What new technology did you try to implement in your library?; 2. What made the project unsuccessful?; 3. What did you learn from the experience?; 4. Are you going to try to do the project again?; 5. What will you do differently this time? Subjects: Technology IRRT the international sustainable Library Development (isLD) and the sister Library initiative: cooperation Across borders Come and listen to ALA librarians discuss their Sister Library partnerships and how these initiatives provide a mutual source of pride, opportunity, and inspiration between two institutions. Subjects: International Issues LEARNRT nuts and bolts of staff training: Discussion and resources for new trainers (LeArnrt) Are you new to staff training? Or are you a wise sage with advice and resources to give? Join this discussion as we share resources for planning, marketing, implementing, and evaluating staff training. www.alaannual.or g a l a a n n u a l C o nF E r E nC E & E X H I B I T Io n / Pr E l I MI n a rY Pro graM 125 http://WWW.ALAANNUAL.ORG

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program

ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program
Table of Contents
Opening General Session and Closing General Session
ALA President's Program and Awards Presentations
Auditorium Speaker Series
Special Events
The 2012 ALA Annual Conference Exhibition
Specialty Pavilions
ALA Stages
Division President's Programs
Council/Membership Meeting Schedule
First Time Attendee Information
Preconferences and Special Events
ALA Acronyms
Program Content Areas and Descriptions
General Information
Travel Information
Registration and Housing Information
Hotel Map & Information
Tour Information and Registration
Camp ALA

ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program