ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program - (Page 88)

RUSA_STARS international iLL: A Global Perspective on resource sharing Join the RUSA STARS International ILL Committee as they present their findings from a recent international survey of libraries regarding international interlibrary loan. This survey is a follow-up to their paper “Lending and Borrowing Across Borders: Issues and Challenges with International Resource Sharing” which focused on international ILL issues as they relate to U.S. libraries. In addition to presenting the survey results, Committee members will discuss challenges and possible solutions for international interlibrary loan as revealed by the survey. Subjects: Resource Sharing, International Issues SRRT / ALA-OLOS martin Luther King Jr. holiday multicultural idea exchange A panel representing public, academic, school, and special libraries will present the programs and activities that promoted the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in their libraries and communities to “Keep the Dream Alive.” During the Audience Exchange attendees will have a two-minute opportunity to tout their own special events. Everyone is asked to bring at least 25 copies of each handout to fully participate in the closing Materials Exchange. Subjects: Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diversity, Equity of Access, Outreach Services SRRT / ACRL_LPSS national security vs. the right to Know This panel discussion will address issues- including the potential conflict between security concerns and the requirements of transparency, democracy, free press, and the protection of whistle blowers-related to the release of classified U.S. documents by WikiLeaks. Speakers will include Emma Cape, organizer for the Bradley Manning Support Network. Subjects: Intellectual Freedom, International Issues, Government Documents & Information, Civic Engegement, Ethics YALSA spectacular services for At-risk teens Participants in this program will learn how to identify at-risk youth populations in their communities and how to advocate, plan, design, implement, and evaluate your library’s program for at-risk teens. Subjects: Young Adult Services, Outreach Services, Advocacy, Youth Services sAturDAy June 23, 1:30 Pm – 5:30 Pm LITA how to Quickly build a Web App using Drupal We will demonstrate techniques for pulling together a web application using Drupal 7 along with modules and other free components. We will focus on creating a site that provides a good see experience and has a distinctive look without taking a huge effort. Subjects: Technology 88 ala annual C onF E rEn C E & E X H I B I T Io n / P rE l I M I n a rY P r og r aM w w w. a l http://WWW.ALAANNUAL.ORG

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program

ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program
Table of Contents
Opening General Session and Closing General Session
ALA President's Program and Awards Presentations
Auditorium Speaker Series
Special Events
The 2012 ALA Annual Conference Exhibition
Specialty Pavilions
ALA Stages
Division President's Programs
Council/Membership Meeting Schedule
First Time Attendee Information
Preconferences and Special Events
ALA Acronyms
Program Content Areas and Descriptions
General Information
Travel Information
Registration and Housing Information
Hotel Map & Information
Tour Information and Registration
Camp ALA

ALA Anaheim 2012 Preliminary Program