BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 3


A Partner on the Path

BC Cancer's work is proof that science saves lives
The reality of cancer's reach can hit
us when we least expect it. Recently,
while watching my daughter's high
school volleyball match, I had the
honour of sitting next to a mother
and son who have walked a path no
family wants to be on. And this was
their second trip.
After being successfully treated six years ago, the son's
cancer recently returned. But thanks to specialized treatment and a successful clinical trial drug, the Grade 12
student is once again in remission. In his mother's words,
this drug is a miracle. These miracles are directly related to
investments in science.
In my role as CEO of the BC Cancer Foundation, I have
met many families who have a story to tell and a loved
one to honour. The beginning, middle and end may differ,
but the overall message stays the same: it is a message of
resilience, and the ability to face and overcome the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges cancer presents.
When I met Claudia Pavao, a survivor living with a
hereditary cancer syndrome, what struck me most was
her resilience, and her hope that the future will be different for her children.
Claudia inherited a "cancer gene" from one of her
parents, which means she is at a high risk of developing a number of cancers. Advances in genomic testing
have brought this knowledge to bear and its impact is

undeniable. With active surveillance, Claudia may be able
to prevent future bouts of cancer.
Once again, a life is saved thanks to science. You can
read more about Claudia's story and the advances underway at the Hereditary Cancer Program on page 10.
The latest statistics show one in two Canadians will
be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, which means
most of us will have a personal encounter with the disease or through someone we care about. It's a path no one
wants to walk down. And thanks to generous donations
that continue to support the amazing work of doctors,
scientists and staff at BC Cancer, no one walks alone.
Your donations to the BC Cancer Foundation stay in our
province and directly fund cutting-edge research, the development of novel therapies and effective treatments, and
enhancements to critical support programs such as psychosocial care, an area of great need highlighted on page 12.
Thank you to our 100,000 donors from every corner of the
province. Your generosity supports and inspires those dedicated to creating more opportunities for hope and healing.
Together BC CAN change the outcome for our loved ones
facing cancer.

Sarah Roth
President and CEO, BC Cancer Foundation

What's Inside
3 Opening Thoughts * 4 Healthy Insights * 5 Why I Give * 6 Researcher Profile * 15 Legacy Giving



When a young person
faces cancer

A new BC Cancer program in development will transform the cancer journeys of adolescents and young adults.


Claudia Pavao's hereditary
cancer diagnosis could save
her life and help her kids

The Hereditary Cancer Program is
piloting a new approach to identify
those with an inherited cancer gene,
potentially saving their lives and the
lives of those they love.


Addressing the challenging
psychology of cancer

Cancer can have a deep impact on a
patient's psychological health. Dr. Alan
Bates shares insights on the programs
and support available to people who
have experienced cancer.




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018

BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018
Opening Thoughts
Healthy Insights
Researcher Profile
When a young person faces cancer
Claudia Pavao’s hereditary cancer diagnosis could save her life and help her kids
Addressing the challenging psychology of cancer
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 2
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Opening Thoughts
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Healthy Insights
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 5
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Researcher Profile
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - When a young person faces cancer
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 8
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 9
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Claudia Pavao’s hereditary cancer diagnosis could save her life and help her kids
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 11
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Addressing the challenging psychology of cancer
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 13
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 14
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 15
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 16