Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 9

Despite her diagnosis of
placenta previa, Tompkins
was able to give birth to
her daughter naturally.

UM Capital Region Health is also signifi-

and that resonates into our patient
care and how we treat patients."
UM Bowie Health Center offers routine

cantly expanding women's services at

obstetrics and gynecological care and

its satellite facilities. The goal is to make

same-day surgical procedures. Services

prenatal, postpartum and other health

at both UM Bowie and UM Laurel will

care more accessible and convenient for

soon include urogynecology procedures.

women throughout the county.
"We are always trying

"Urogynecology rarely requires
hospital stays," says Dr. Lewis. "Usually

to work with the community that

hospital procedures are for bladder

we serve to better their health

surgery or more extensive repairs

and to do that in way that they

of prolapse or pelvic disorders."

don't have to travel a great

Instead, Bowie and Laurel will focus

deal to get what they need,"

on minimally invasive and laparoscopic

says Stacy Ross, MD, a family

outpatient procedures, including

medicine doctor.

hysteroscopic surgeries, which involve

At UM Laurel Regional

using a tiny scope to look inside the

Hospital, mothers-to-be can

uterus. "All of those are procedures that

expect a full range of ser-

can be done the same day," he says.

vices, from general OB-GYN

Recognizing the need for qual-

care to ultrasound technol-

ity health care throughout women's

ogy. "A lot of patients around

lifetimes, UM Prince George's Hospital

Laurel would have had to go

Center, UM Laurel Regional Hospital and

to UM Prince George's to get

UM Bowie Health Center each provide

all their ultrasounds, so that

access to other specialists. "You can

helps patients a lot," says

have the full scope of care, whether you

Nkechinyere Nwaobasi, MD,

are a young teen or an elderly woman,"

an OB-GYN who practices

says Billie Hamilton, a nurse midwife

at the Laurel location.

at UM Prince George's. "Not only can

"There are more options

you get gynecological care, but we're

for them, which makes it

making sure we can address the whole

easier schedulingwise."

woman." Women can get referrals to

In addition to routine care,

specialists, including gastroenterolo-

such as exams and cancer screenings,

gists for digestive ailments, cardiolo-

for labor. It includes three birthing center

women can undergo outpatient gyne-

gists for heart care and pulmonologists

rooms, each equipped with whirlpool

cological procedures, such as tubal

to manage lung disorders.

tubs to allow for water births, if the

ligation, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy,

woman chooses. Emergency facilities

and minimally invasive procedures,

improve the health of women across

are close at hand if needed.

which typically involve an easier and

the population. "If we're not making

That aligns with another goal: to

shorter recovery. And the Laurel facility

their health better, why are we here?"

can receive breastfeeding support.

now offers maternal-fetal medicine for

says Dr. Ross.

Babies born early or in distress are

women facing high-risk pregnancies.

There's every sign that the women's

taken to a fully equipped neonatal

"Laurel is just a warm, friendly envi-

health program is succeeding. "Every-

After a baby is born, women

intensive care unit, or NICU (located

ronment," adds Dr. Nwaobasi. "Every-

body there deserves a pat on the

within UM Prince George's Hospital

body is very cordial. It's like you're

back," Saunders says. "I appreciate

Center), for specialized care.

working with your friends and family,

everything they have done for me." | Winter 2018

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018

In This Issue
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 1
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - In This Issue
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 3
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 4
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 5
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 6
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 7
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 8
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 9
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 10
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 11
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 12
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 13
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 14
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 15
Maryland's Health Matters - Capital Region - Winter 2018 - 16