Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 9

Between birth and 3 months

Between 4 and 7 months

Between 8 and 12 months

* Raise his head and chest when lying on his
* Stretch and kick while lying on his back
* Open and shut his hands
* Bring his hands to his mouth
* Grasp and shake toys
* Begin developing a social smile
* Become more expressive with
his face and body
* Follow moving objects
* Recognize familiar objects and people
at a distance



Roll both ways
Reach with one hand
Support her whole weight on her legs
Sit with and without support
Transfer objects from one hand to the other
Use a raking grasp
Respond to expressions of emotion
Find partially hidden objects

Between 1 and 3 years

Walk alone
Begin to run
Stand on tiptoes
Kick a ball
Imitate others' behavior
Become aware of himself as
separate from others

Between 3 and 5 years
* Enjoy being with other children
* Find objects, even when hidden
two or three levels deep
* Sort objects by shape and color
* Play make believe

Between 5 and 12 years
* Pay more attention to friendships
and teamwork
* Have increased attention span
* Become more aware of his or her
body as puberty approaches
* Begin to develop some independent roles
* Start thinking about the future

Healthy eating, exercise and safety
are also important during this stage.
Injuries are the leading cause of death
for school-aged children. Parents should
discuss fire, car, street, sport and bike
safety with their children.

Between 12 and 18 years
* Begin and end puberty
 Signs of puberty in girls:
Breast development, pubic hair,
changing body shape, menstruation
 Signs of puberty in boys:
Enlargement of the testicles and
scrotum, pubic hair, changing body
shape, penis growth, voice change
SOURCE: American Academy of Pediatrics

Sit without assistance
Crawl forward on her belly
Pull herself up to stand
Walk holding on to furniture
Become shy or anxious around strangers
Cry when parents leave
Imitate people and gestures when playing
Feed herself using her fingers
Look at the correct picture when an
image is named

* Show more concern about body
image and clothes
* Experience moodiness
* Focus on the present instead of the longterm consequences of their actions
* Reach adult height and weight
* Go back and forth between wanting and
not wanting parents' attention


Climb and run easily
Pedal a tricycle
Bend over without falling
Walk up and down steps, alternating feet
Take turns in games
Show affection for familiar playmates
Make mechanical toys work
Complete three- to four-piece puzzles

At UM Pediatrics at Midtown,
pediatricians provide preventive
care for this age group, as well
as acute care for any unexpected injuries
or illnesses. They also help manage
chronic and complex health issues,
such as diabetes and asthma.

As children enter their teens, UM
Pediatrics at Midtown care expands to
include screenings for drug and alcohol
abuse and depression. Pediatricians also
provide basic gynecologic care and
education about sexually transmitted
diseases. For sexually active teens, they
can provide advice and birth control. | Spring 2018  9

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018

In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 1
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 3
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 4
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 5
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 6
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 7
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 8
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 9
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 10
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 11
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 12
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 13
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 14
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 15
Maryland’s Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2018 - 16