Ritz-Carlton Experience - Dove Mountain - Winter 2014 - (Page 5)

1 P ERFECT LY PAC K AG ED Just Getting Warmed Up WiNTer BreAK 2 starting at $229 per night* n$50 resort credit per night nvalid through March 15, 2014, in a resort room n DiSCOver WiTH YOu starting at $299 per night in a resort room* ndaily American breakfast for two in CORE n$100 hotel credit per night (valid hotel-wide except at the golf club) nvalid through March 15, 2014 n uNliMiTeD GOlF FOr TWO starting at $399 per night* ndaily American breakfast for two in CORE nunlimited golf for two players n$10 gift shop gift card at The Golf Club at Dove Mountain nvalid through March 15, 2014 n perfeCt your lonG Game Make golf a game for the whole family at Dove Mountain. Our little Dove Golf Course is a shorter course best enjoyed with junior players, and the experience includes greens fees, rental clubs, a cart fee and a gift. Prefer to sharpen your solo play? We have weekly clinics for up to 10 hotel guests. On Fridays, a PGA professional will accompany you for one hour, helping you practice chipping, putting and your short game. On Saturdays, get pointers on drivers and irons. For more information about our golf activities, please call 520-572-3500. ➺ discoveR Dove moUntain goLf w w w. r i t z c a r l t o n . c o m / d o v e m o u n t a i n A Very Sonoran Christmas Countdown with Cocktails Light Up the Night 3 Glow Head to Toe Sweet Hydration Eat Well, Be Well 4 Rekindle Your Romance Stars and S'mores FOr reServATiONS, CONTACT YOur TrAvel PrOFeSSiONAl Or CAll THe riTz-CArlTON AT 800-576-5704, THe riTz-CArlTON, DOve MOuNTAiN AT 520-572-3000, Or viSiT ritzcarLton.com/DovemoUntain. *rATe iS Per rOOM/Per NiGHT, BASeD ON SiNGle Or DOuBle OCCuPANCY, exCluSive OF TAxeS, GrATuiTieS, FeeS AND OTHer CHArGeS; DOeS NOT APPlY TO GrOuPS; CANNOT Be COMBiNeD WiTH ANY OTHer OFFer AND iS NOT APPliCABle FOr reWArDS reDeMPTiON. ADvANCe reServATiONS Are requireD. NO reFuND Or CreDiT FOr uNuSeD POrTiON. vOiD WHere PrOHiBiTeD. OFFer iS SuBJeCT TO AvAilABiliTY. DAilY BreAKFAST iS AvAilABle iN SeleCT HOTel reSTAurANTS AND NOT vAliD FOr iN-rOOM DiNiNG. DeSTiNATiON exPerieNCe iS Per STAY AND vArieS BY HOTel. CreDiT iS APPlieD Per NiGHT, HAS NO CASH vAlue, AND iS NOT vAliD ON rOOM rATe, AlCOHOl Or THirDPArTY ServiCeS. Finally, the Gingerbread Teepee 5➺  Perfect Your Long Game Perfectly Packaged http://www.ritzcarlton.com/dovemountain http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/Properties/DoveMountain/Golf/Default.htm http://www.ritzcarlton.com/dovemountain

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Experience - Dove Mountain - Winter 2014

Ritz-Carlton Experience - Dove Mountain - Winter 2014
