Vim & Vigor - Winter 2012 - St. Anthony - (Page 41)

joints to wear out faster. That’s because the disease erodes your cartilage, allowing bones to rub against each other and leaving pain, stiffness and bony overgrowths (or spurs) behind. Rheumatoid arthritis is another form of arthritis. In people who have this autoimmune disease, the body’s immune system attacks the tissue that lines the joints. Joint pain and inflammation are common. WHAT’S NEXT: If your doctor thinks arthritis may be to blame for your aches and pains, he or she may order an X-ray, an MRI and blood tests. For those with osteoarthritis, your physician may recommend treatment that includes exercise, weight management and medication. If those don’t work, surgery is an option in severe cases. Spine Surgery Advances at St. Anthony Hospital Leading-edge technology is providing St. Anthony spine surgery patients an added dimension of safety and precision, confirms Michael Drewek, M.D., of Intermountain Neurosurgery & Neuroscience. For several years, St. Anthony Hospital specialists have been using the STEALTH Station—a computerized navigational system that functions much like an automobile’s GPS—in neurospine, orthopedic and trauma surgeries. Recently, the system was enhanced with new O-arm technology that provides high-quality, large-field images in two and three dimensions during the surgery. Using these O-arm images, physicians can confirm the precision of the procedure while the patient is still in the operating room. To watch a brief video of Drewek explaining patient benefits of the STEALTH system, visit stealthstation—advanced-imaging. SPINAL STENOSIS SYMPTOMS: Pain, especially when walking or standing; numbness in the back, legs, arms or neck, or all those areas. WHAT’S HAPPENING: “This typically happens as we get older,” Rao says, specifically to those 50 and older. “The spinal column—the tube through which your nerves travel—narrows.” This puts pressure on your spinal nerves and spinal cord, and voilà, ouch! Arthritis and scoliosis can lead to spinal stenosis, as can previous herniated disks. People with spinal stenosis typically have trouble walking or standing for long periods. “Often, you’ll see that they’ll lean on grocery carts,” Rao says. “They find when they lean forward, they feel more comfortable because space opens for the nerve sack.” WHAT’S NEXT: It’s important to see your doctor if you think you have spinal stenosis, because the pain will only increase in time. Typical treatments include physical therapy, cold or heat packs, and medication. SCIATICA SYMPTOMS: Sharp or burning pain in the legs or buttocks, usually on one side of the body; some may feel pain all the way down the back of their leg to their foot. WHAT’S HAPPENING: The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, starting in the lower back and running down the back of the legs to the feet. When something puts pressure on this nerve or it becomes damaged, you feel pain. It’s a warning sign because sciatic pain can signal another condition such as a herniated disk or a pelvic injury. WHAT’S NEXT: Your physician will want to pinpoint the underlying cause and come up with treatment based on that finding. In general, though, your options include applying hot and cold packs and taking over-the-counter medications. A lot of the time, the pain will disappear on its own. cALL Intermountain Neurosurgery specialists provide advanced treatment and surgical intervention for a wide range of spine issues and injuries. For more facts or to schedule a second opinion, call 720-321-8040. Need a Second Opinion For Spine Care? Vim & Vigor · WI NTER 2012 41

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Winter 2012 - St. Anthony

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2012 - St. Anthony
Opening Thoughts
Community Connections
The Speed of Life
Pinpoint Precision
Because I Said So!
What’s Wrong with This Picture?
The Future Is Now
Everyday Hero
What Does 200 Calories Look Like?
Johnny Be Good
In the Driver’s Seat
We’ve Got Your Back
Bank on Your Health
Virtual Health
Be a Proactive Patient
The Solitaire Strategy
Top Honors
By the Numbers
From the Foundation
Ask the Experts

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2012 - St. Anthony