Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Parrish Medical Center - (Page 27)

vIDEo Resolve Office Space Issues Is your workspace ergonomically correct? Unhealthy habits can be prevented with a simple desk makeover. Watch Parrish Medical Center’s video at vimandvigoronline. STEP 3: Check Your Posture Back problems can plague people who spend the majority of their workday in an office chair. The reason: Many of us sit forward in our chairs, leaning toward the computer in front of us. “When you’re not sitting properly—straight up, abs in and with a good, strong core—there’s a lot of back strain,” Goldberg says. There shouldn’t be a space between your back and the back of the chair. Also, the doctor adds, keep your feet flat on the floor. Making these small changes can prevent orthopedic issues such as chronic back pain and pinched nerves. The benefits include improved flexibility, which helps prevent back injuries down the road. Additionally, check to make sure you haven’t glued yourself to your chair. “You should get up every hour, walk around the office, drop off a paper at someone’s desk,” Goldberg advises. These moments of movement will stretch your spine and the muscles of your back and legs, preventing stiffness and cramping. STEPHappy Place 4: Find Your Keeping a positive mental attitude can have real, tangible effects on your physical health. According to research from the Harvard School of Public Health, happy people were less likely to have risk factors for high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels and obesity. Make your workspace a happy space by surrounding yourself not with endless to-do lists, but instead, photographs or other trinkets that elicit positive memories, says Goldberg. “I have a letter from a friend of mine and I keep that in every desk I have. She was a nurse I worked with many years ago. It’s a very supportive note.” Put fresh flowers on your desk, which can be instant mood-lifters. If you can, incorporate natural light into your work area. You’ll be feeling sunny in no time. Do you want to actually strengthen your core or burn calories while you work? Ask your office to supply you with an exercise ball chair or a standing workstation, or invest in one yourself. Learn to Unplug A recent study showed that women with highly stressful jobs were 38 percent more likely to have a cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or a stroke, than women with less stressful jobs. “Earlier studies looked at the issue in men, and the men also have an increased risk of heart attack,” says Nieca Goldberg, M.D., a cardiologist and author. “But when they go home, their heart rate decreases more than women.” If you can’t make a job switch to, say, a professional napper, then disconnecting from your stressful job is paramount to good health. This can be a challenge for both sexes, especially since work follows us home on our cellphones and computers. To lower your stress level and, subsequently, your risk for heart attack and stroke, keep this point in mind: Work will still be there tomorrow. Turn off your computer and silence your phone at the end of the day. “Because people are spending a longer time on their computer, they have less time for social interaction, and that contributes to stress,” Dr. Goldberg says. “It’s very important that you have a supportive network of friends or a family member you can connect with.” SPRI NG 2013 27

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Parrish Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Parrish Medical Center
Tasty Tips
Opening Thoughts
Community Calendar
Your Bridge to Healthcare
A Night of Haunted Elegance
You’re the Star
Lighten Up!
Have No Fear
Work It!
Diane Keaton
What Are the Chances?
9 Symptoms Never to Ignore
When Allergies Attack
Virtual Health
Learning to Be Healthy
Community Health
Business Black Belts
Foundation Focus
Ask the Expert

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Parrish Medical Center