Certification - June 2006 - (Page 39)

CM0606.qxd 5/5/06 6:45 PM Page 39 Complete IT Package and can actually become an obstacle to success. I tech leads? Who are the future managers?' If you think everyone needs to bring that package to the can, hire people with those skills into your staff. Some table. That includes good communication skills. You people gravitate toward that track. `I want to be a also look for people with the potential to mentor. You technical lead. I want to be a manager.' Other people have a mix of senior people, mid-people and junior gravitate toward more of a technical track, and both people, and you're looking for people who are com- are good, but you do need that mix. fortable in that role. `I'm going to mentor. I'm going to Aside from requisite technical skills, a prospective IT spread the knowledge that I have, and there are professionals' soft-skill repertoire should include top- areas where I can mentor, and there are areas where tier communication skills. In today's business-centric I can learn.' You're trying to create that win-win by IT environment, few professionals work in isolation. having those people who are willing to share their IT pros often have to work with other departments, experiences with others. with other groups within their own department or Mentoring is especially important in a smaller organ- with clients outside the organization. Simuro said ization. Simuro said an IT organization with thou- people that lack communication skills visibly struggle June 2006 CERTIFICATION MAGAZINE 39

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Certification - June 2006

Editors Letter
Table of Contents
Data Stream
Consultants Corner
Tech Careers
Virtual Village
Certification Evolution: Job-Role Certifications for Your Future
Inside Certification
Must-Have Non-Technical Skills for IT Pros
IP Telephony Engineers
Specialty Certification
Ad Index

Certification - June 2006
