NEWH - Summer 2014 - 28


One-on-one with
Karen Appert
Steering committee chair of the North
Carolina region and owner of Appert
Marketing Group
How/why did you become involved in NEWH?
I learned about NEWH when I began working in the hospitality
industry in the late '90s and had always been impressed with its
reputation. When the opportunity opened for a regional group
based here in North Carolina's Triad, a group of us decided
to work on building membership in this area. As I've become
more involved, I've seen fi rsthand the reach and depth of the
organization, especially at the Leadership Conference and the
national board meetings.
What has NEWH done for you personally and professionally?
Personally, NEWH has shown me the advantages of networking
when it's done right. I've established new friendships and done
things outside of my comfort zone. Professionally, it's opened
doors, introduced me to new clients, helped me develop new
skills, and enabled me to collaborate with other industry
professionals with whom I might not otherwise have had the
opportunity to work.
As steering committee chair for the North Carolina region,
what do you have planned for 2014? What are you most looking
forward to?
We just completed our Hospitality Designer Day, in which
hospitality designers, purchasers, and hoteliers were invited to
attend the April High Point Market to visit sponsor showrooms.
We're also planning hotel tours and possibly a state-of-the-state
presentation in cooperation with other hotel associations and
organizations this year. We're looking to extend our group's
reach to the Charlotte and Raleigh areas, as well as into South
Carolina. The most exciting part of this year so far has been
presenting our fi rst $2,500 scholarship to an interior design
student at High Point University.
What is new at Appert Marketing Group? What is your outlook for
As a marketing, advertising, and PR fi rm specializing in the
hospitality industry, we are seeing a growing confidence within
the industry that the recovery is fi nally gaining momentum
and consistency. For us, this translates into renewed interest
for increased marketing support for our clients' companies.


The public relations part of our business is particularly strong
because of our established relationships with hospitality
publications and editors.
What is your latest travel highlight?
Since my husband and I work together, we've been making an
effort to add personal travel to our business trips in order to
explore what each area has to offer. Last September, we drove to
the Florida Keys before attending HD Americas in Miami Beach
and we'll be visiting Zion National Park after the HD Expo in
Vegas this May. We are also planning summer travel that will
mix business, pleasure, and family visits to Chicago, New York,
and Boston.
Trend/movement you are paying attention to in the industry?
I'm fascinated with the continuous and rapid advancement of
technology, how it is transforming every aspect of the hospitality
industry, and how interactive communications are providing
opportunities to use data in different ways. As smartphones get
smarter, it will also be interesting to see how companies' mobile
strategies continue to evolve.
When you aren't working or at an NEWH event, where can we
find you?
Spending time with my family, running, hiking, attending
concerts, visiting museums, or at a baseball or soccer field with
our two teenage boys. (Whenever possible, we bring along our
blue merle Aussie.)
What do you love about the hospitality industry?
The industry is like a complex puzzle where, once you
understand it, all the pieces fit together and make sense. I
like that it has many family-oriented businesses, from hotels
and suppliers, to rep. groups that span several generations. Its
entrepreneurial nature seems to attract great results-oriented
people, who derive a sense of satisfaction from hard work and
success. Quick connections can be made with people in the
industry because of its common language. ❙❘❚

NEWH - Summer 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEWH - Summer 2014

NEWH - Summer 2014
Who's Who
Conference Rounup
Q&A: Chris Tucker
Q&A: Karen Appert
Q&A: Stephanie Thompson
Product Know How
Have You seen?
On the Scene
On The Cover: Vaughan Benz’s Scott Vaughan and David Benz
Project: Warwick Suites, New York
Project: Chino Chinatown, Dallas
Save the Date
New Members
Partner Profiles
Chapter Highlights
Ad Index
NEWH - Summer 2014 - NEWH - Summer 2014
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Cover2
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Contents
NEWH - Summer 2014 - News
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 5
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Who's Who
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 7
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 8
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 9
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Sustainability
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 11
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 12
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 13
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 14
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 15
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Conference Rounup
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 17
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 18
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 19
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Scholarships
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 21
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 22
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 23
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Q&A: Chris Tucker
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 25
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 26
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 27
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Have You seen?
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 29
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 30
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 31
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Q&A: Stephanie Thompson
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 33
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Product Know How
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 35
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 36
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 37
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 38
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 39
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 40
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 41
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 42
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 43
NEWH - Summer 2014 - On the Scene
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 45
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 46
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 47
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 48
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 49
NEWH - Summer 2014 - On The Cover: Vaughan Benz’s Scott Vaughan and David Benz
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 51
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Project: Warwick Suites, New York
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 53
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 54
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 55
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Project: Chino Chinatown, Dallas
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 57
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 58
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 59
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Save the Date
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 61
NEWH - Summer 2014 - New Members
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 63
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 64
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 65
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Partner Profiles
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 67
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 68
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 69
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Chapter Highlights
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 71
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 72
NEWH - Summer 2014 - 73
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Ad Index
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Cover3
NEWH - Summer 2014 - Cover4