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Figure 1. A Honda Clarity FC refuels at the TrueZero hydrogen fueling
station in Coalinga, California. (Photo courtesy of Andrew Martinez.)

development, fCeV deployment, and experience gained
provides useful insight for other jurisdictions looking to
capitalize and expand on the progress made in the state.

Foundations of california's commitment
Health Concerns and Regulations
California's ZeV regulation was the first catalyst for the
state to take an active role in the development of an
fCeV market and a hydrogen fueling network. Passed in
1990, the state's regulation ensured that the light-duty
vehicle sector would contribute to the state's air quality
improvement goals. at that time, the south Coast air
Basin, which includes major population centers in los
angeles, orange, riverside, and san Bernardino counties
and features a geography that tends to trap environmental pollutants, experienced more than 100 days in ranges
above the state and national one-hour ozone standards.
The same region experienced nearly 275 days above the
state 24-h particulate matter (PM) standard. The san Joaquin Valley air Basin, which spans the central valley of
the state and is a major agriculture and transport corridor, experienced 100 days above the state ozone standard
and nearly 300 days beyond the PM standard.
every day in exceedance of state and federal limits
represents a potential health hazard to those living,
working, and traveling in these regions. sensitive populations, e.g., the elderly and children with cardiopulmonary health issues, are put at risk by unhealthy air
on days when the ozone standards are exceeded. as
the state's primary agency charged with ensuring
clean air for all its residents, the California air resources Board (CarB) had long recognized that transportation-related emissions are a major contributor to


I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / march 2018

unhealthy air conditions. ever since California's Bureau
of air sanitation established the nation's first automobile emissions regulation in 1961, which required the
implementation of positive crankcase ventilation on all
passenger cars from 1963 forward, California has developed several programs and regulations to reduce transportation-based air pollution.
With the passage of the low emission Vehicle standards in 1990, CarB introduced modernized standards to
continue challenging the automotive industry to push the
envelope of conventional internal combustion engine
technology. The accompanying passage of ZeV requirements established a forward-thinking vision on zeroemission technology to power the state's transportation
sector. In combination with stationary source emission
regulations promulgated throughout the state, there have
been tangible improvements in air quality. days above the
state ozone standard fell to 24 and 52 days in 2015 in the
san Joaquin and south Coast air Basins, respectively, and
the days above the 10 PM standard fell to slightly above
120 in 2015.
In its first incarnation, California's ZeV regulation
required auto manufacturers with a large market presence to meet a series of goals for technology introduction:
2% of sales by 1998, 5% by 2001, and 10% by 2003. These
requirements have been updated through regular iterations of review, leading to adjustments and a continuously growing understanding of the status and pace of ZeV
technology development. With the passage of assembly
Bill (aB) 32 and the issuance of governor Jerry Brown's
March 2012 executive order, ZeVs also came to be recognized as critically important factors in achieving the
state's greenhouse gas (ghg) emission reduction goals.
The governor's executive order included critically important requirements for state agencies to work with the
automotive industry to establish fueling infrastructure
plans by 2015, followed by the development of infrastructure sufficient to support one million ZeVs by 2020 and
an eventual achievement of a sustainable ZeV and infrastructure industry by 2025.

FCEVs and Zero-Emission Transportation Goals
fCeVs have been recognized as critical components in
achieving California's air quality, climate, and zero-emission transportation goals. fCeVs offer zero tailpipe emissions, producing only water vapor from the electrochemical
combination of hydrogen and oxygen that occurs within
the vehicle's fC stack and providing on-board generation of
electrical power. hydrogen-powered fCs also offer longrange, stable performance across extreme ambient temperatures; adaptability to a wide range of vehicle classes, e.g.,
sport-utility vehicles and medium-/heavy-duty vehicles;
fast refueling times on par with today's gasoline fueling;
and a familiar fueling experience for customers. The fundamental goal for state and industrial partners is that
fCeVs offer a zero-emission transportation option that


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2018

IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2018 - Contents
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