Winds of Change - College 2016 - 18

Get on Track and Stay There BEFORE YOU GET THERE ONCE YOU'RE THERE HABITS FOR THE LONG RUN ■ Get in shape academically ■ Learn where there's help: resources, ■ Establish a routine and keep your balance ■ Do the math: file your FAFSA on time tutors, health services ■ Connect with other students like you ■ Pace yourself and understand your learning style ■ Join a study group and seek out mentoring to take. And remember: less can be more, particularly at first. "My first year, I realized that I had to catch up in certain subjects that weren't covered in much depth at my high school," says Michael Charles, a 2016 Cornell University graduate in chemical engineering. "I put less emphasis on how many credits I was taking, and focused more on being prepared for classes. Then later on when I had my footing, I was able to handle a much heavier course load." Charles, Navajo, says it also helped him to be aware of his learning style when signing up for classes. In other words, if you're not a morning person, maybe that 8 a.m. chemistry class isn't such a good idea. And as you register, be aware that you'll need enough time between classes to get from one place to another, maybe grab a meal, and review notes and complete assignments. Finally, connect with people like you - whether that means students with similar backgrounds or similar interests outside class. It may seem counterintuitive, but extracurricular activities can help you succeed with your academics. "More and more research is showing that students who are involved with clubs or organizations - or other ways of connecting with people like themselves - have a much better retention rate," observes Deragon. "They're feeling more involved and engaged, and they're also developing a safety net. If they begin to drop off the radar because they're struggling with something, they're going to have people on campus who will notice and reach out to be sure they're OK." Habits for the Long Run Once you have your classes squared away and you know your way around, be ready for lots of work and the stress that comes with it. "There are constant demands from classes and homework, and, of course, taking exams adds a layer of pressure," says or tutoring ■ Persist through the ups and downs that are part of living and learning students and juniors and seniors, Songbird. "One of the best ways and it was really helpful for me. to counteract that stress is to Every time I registered for new establish a study routine and classes, had a professor for the schedule that works for you, first time, or took a new type of and to really stick with it." test, there were people I could It's also important to be look to for insight. And aware of your learning style eventually, I became the person when you plan your study who was offering advice to time. Many students find that younger students." the study skills that served them But what about those well in high school aren't cutting potential distractions outside of it in college and they need to try "STUDENTS classes and studying? Just new approaches, like participat- WHO COME remember to keep things in ing in study groups or seeking HERE THE perspective. "Some distractions extra help or tutoring. It's MOST are good; some may not be," important to know that your counsels Deragon. "It's imporprofessors want to see you PREPARED tant to find the right balance succeed, so don't hesitate to ask HAVE between classes and your study for help. "I sometimes signed up regimen and things that aren't for office hours after I turned in ALREADY academic. Part of the responsimy first assignment and saw HAD SOME bility of college is learning to set how doing the work my way SORT OF priorities and keep them." worked for that professor/ ADVANCED And one more thing: Hang subject," says Charles. "I'd then in there. You're not going to get go in to figure out where I CLASSES." everything right all the time. needed to make adjustments by - Abena Songbird Higher education calls for higher talking with the professor and levels of work and commitment my classmates." - it's all part of living and learning. "My first And as you deal with the demands of year was a lot about testing the waters and college-level courses, remember you're not learning to adjust as alone. Most campuses have offerings such as needed," says Charles. "It mentoring programs, tutoring services, and/or was my lowest-GPA year, homework assistance. Often these resources but definitely the year I can be accessed through services for American learned the most." Indian or underrepresented students. For So keep adjusting, take example, at the South Dakota School of Mines advantage of resources on and Technology pre-orientation program, campus, and don't give up. "You can't be too new students are teamed with upper-class hard on yourself, even when things get tough," students who check in on them from time to advises Songbird. "It's all a learning experitime and can offer guidance or feedback ence. I've seen over 50 American Indian when needed. students succeed and graduate from an There are also other ways to connect with academically rigorous, small engineering more seasoned students. "Something that school in the past eight years. It's a wonderful helped me a lot my first year is that I joined a thing to witness, and it's achievable for every project team in engineering," remembers single student." ■ Charles. "It was basically a mix of new 18 WINDS OF CHANGE * 2016-2017 SPECIAL COLLEGE ISSUE ISTOCK (2); PHOTO COURTESY OF ABENA SONGBIRD and calculate all costs ■ Explore all options for financial support

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Winds of Change - College 2016

Winds of Change - College 2016 - Cover1
Winds of Change - College 2016 - Cover2
Winds of Change - College 2016 - Contents
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 2
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