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Primary care The medical care of routine illnesses, such as colds, flu, etc. Prone Lying flat, especially face down. Prosthesis An artificial substitute for a missing body part. Prosthetic appliances All aids, appliances, parts, or accessories that are required to replace, support, or substitute for a deformed, weakened, or missing anatomical portion of the body. Artificial limbs, terminal devices, stump socks, braces, hearing aids and batteries, cosmetic facial or body restorations, eyeglasses, mechanical or motorized wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, and similar items are included under this broad term. Psychological Related to mental and emotional factors that influence behavior (motivation, awareness, personality, etc.). PT—physical therapy, physical therapist: see physical therapy Pulmonary Having to do with your lungs and breathing. Pulmonary embolism A thrombus, or blood clot, that has broken loose from the wall of a vein and become stuck in an artery to the lungs. S Sacral Relating to the area at the lowest part of your spine around your tailbone. Sensation Physical feelings of vibration, touch, pain, hot and cold, or awareness of where a body part is in space. Side effects The effects of something, usually medication, that are different from and additional to the outcome for which it was originally planned. Sleep apnea Pauses in breathing during sleep. Spasm A sudden, often uncontrolled, contraction of a muscle; a muscle jerk. Spasticity Movement in your arms and legs due to muscle spasms that may occur as a result of spinal cord injury. It may be somewhat controllable. Spasticity may also be useful in maintaining muscle size, bone strength, and circulation. Spine immobilizers Braces or devices that keep you from moving your back or neck. Spine stabilization Use of spinal surgery or external bracing to hold the bones of the spine in correct alignment and treat an injury to spinal bones or ligaments. Splint A rigid or flexible appliance used for the fixation (holding in place) or support of a displaced or movable part of the body. Stones Solid, hard masses that form and can become stuck in the urinary tract. This can block normal urine drainage from the kidney or bladder, or it can cause urinary infections to recur. Suctioning Removal of mucous from the throat and lungs by a small tube attached to suction. Support system The people who are important to you because they strengthen your emotional, physical, and social well-being. They include your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and members of your church or veterans group. Q Quad—quadriplegia, tetraplegia Paralysis of all four limbs. Quadriparesis Weakness or incomplete paralysis involving the arms and legs. R Range of motion—ROM An arc of movement of a joint of your body, also used to refer to the exercises done to maintain and increase the arc of movement. registered nurse—RN A professional, trained and authorized by a state board of nursing examiners, who plans and provides nursing care. Your primary care planner is usually an RN. Rehab—rehabilitation The process of doing away with, adapting to, or compensating for disabilities. Residual In the case of bladder voiding, urine left in the bladder after voiding has taken place. Respiratory Having to do with breathing. Respiratory therapy, respiratory therapist—RT The profession or professional that centers on therapy of the lungs and breathing. T Tenodesis The action of fingers and thumb pinching together when the wrist is bent backward. Most commonly this refers to passive finger and thumb movement when the muscles to those digits are paralyzed. Tetraplegia: see Quadriplegia [ 240 ] | Yes, You Can!

Yes You Can - Fourth Edition

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Yes You Can - Fourth Edition

Yes You Can - Fourth Edition
Table of Contents
Section 1. How SCI Affects Your Body
1.a Anatomy, Physiology, and Research
1.b Skin Care and Pressure Ulcers
1.c Respiratory Care
1.d Bladder Management
1.e Bowel Management
1.f Sexual Health and Reproduction
1.g Muscles and Bones
1.h Circulatory System
1.i Autonomic Dysreflexia
Section 2. Maximizing Your Function
2.a Expected Outcomes
2.b Equipment
2.c Limb Preservation and Posture
2.d Home Modifications
2.e Driver Rehabilitation and Training
2.f Attendant Management
Section 3. Coping and Living with SCI
3.a Transitions
3.b Psychosocial Adjustment
3.c Mental Health Conditions
3.d Community Resources
3.f Financial Planning
3.g Your Rights
3.h Pain
3.i Brain Injury
Section 4. Staying Healthy after SCI
4.a Recreation
4.b Nutrition and Weight
4.c Exercise
4.d Medications
4.e Alcohol and Substance Abuse
4.f Health Care
4.g Aging
4.h Disasters
Appendix A: Range-of-Motion Exercises
Appendix B: Resource Organizations
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Table of Contents
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Section 1. How SCI Affects Your Body
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 1.b Skin Care and Pressure Ulcers
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 1.c Respiratory Care
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 1.i Autonomic Dysreflexia
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Section 2. Maximizing Your Function
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 2.a Expected Outcomes
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 2.d Home Modifications
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Section 3. Coping and Living with SCI
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 3.c Mental Health Conditions
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Section 4. Staying Healthy after SCI
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 4.b Nutrition and Weight
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 4.g Aging
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Appendix A: Range-of-Motion Exercises
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Appendix B: Resource Organizations
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Glossary
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Index
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