Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - 58

Doctors often use drugs and other treatments to try to prevent blood clots. They usually start by suggesting the same things that are used to treat swelling [see the list above]. Your doctor might also prescribe a “blood thinner” or anticoagulant to reduce the chance of clot formation. The most common of these is heparin. Sometimes doctors also use plastic air pumps on the legs to push the blood out of the legs and back up toward the heart. These treatments reduce the risk, but some people will still get blood clots. Deep vein thrombosis The following are common signs and symptoms of DVT: One calf or thigh feels warmer than the other, and it might be red. One calf or thigh is more swollen than the other. A simple way to check for swelling is to measure the size of both calves or thighs. A clot can develop and cause the leg to swell quickly. This is why the nursing staff might measure the size of your calves and thighs. One leg may be painful, tender, or feel heavy. However, if you don’t have normal feeling in your legs, you may not feel anything. Often, you and your doctors can’t tell if you have a blood clot without doing special tests. If one calf or thigh becomes larger than the other: > Do not increase your activity level. > Do not do range-of-motion exercises. > Do not move the leg. Increasing your activity might cause the clot to break loose. Get in bed and call your health-care provider for instructions. If you do have a clot in your leg, you will be treated to dissolve it and prevent it from breaking free and moving to your lungs. Most people with a blood clot must take anticoagulants for three to six months after the clot is discovered. Pulmonary Embolus A pulmonary embolus [a clot in your lung] can be life-threatening. Most PEs are caused by clots in the legs, so the way to prevent them is to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. The following are common signs and symptoms of a PE: > Sudden shortness of breath and possibly a feeling of tightness in your chest. > Pain in your side, chest, or back. The pain is usually worse when you breathe in and lets up when you breathe out. > Sudden development of a new cough. This cough might produce sputum or phlegm that is slightly pink or red. If you think you might have a PE: Call 911. A pulmonary embolus is an emergency. Contact your health-care provider. If you feel short of breath, sit up in a chair; this sometimes helps. This problem requires further tests and treatment in a hospital. Treatment of blood clots If you get a blood clot in your leg, or if it goes into your lung, you’ll probably receive blood thinners to help your body dissolve the clot. The most common blood thinners are heparin and warfarin [Coumadin]. The main side effect of these drugs is bleeding. Bleeding can be minor, like a nosebleed, or serious, like a bleeding stomach ulcer. Because of these risks, people on blood thinners need close medical follow-up. Frequent blood tests might be needed to make sure you’re getting the right dose of the blood thinner. Also, some of these medications can interact with other drugs, or even with food. If you need to take blood thinners after you leave the hospital, be sure to ask the doctor or pharmacist for information about interactions. [ 58 ] | Yes, You Can!

Yes You Can - Fourth Edition

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Yes You Can - Fourth Edition

Yes You Can - Fourth Edition
Table of Contents
Section 1. How SCI Affects Your Body
1.a Anatomy, Physiology, and Research
1.b Skin Care and Pressure Ulcers
1.c Respiratory Care
1.d Bladder Management
1.e Bowel Management
1.f Sexual Health and Reproduction
1.g Muscles and Bones
1.h Circulatory System
1.i Autonomic Dysreflexia
Section 2. Maximizing Your Function
2.a Expected Outcomes
2.b Equipment
2.c Limb Preservation and Posture
2.d Home Modifications
2.e Driver Rehabilitation and Training
2.f Attendant Management
Section 3. Coping and Living with SCI
3.a Transitions
3.b Psychosocial Adjustment
3.c Mental Health Conditions
3.d Community Resources
3.f Financial Planning
3.g Your Rights
3.h Pain
3.i Brain Injury
Section 4. Staying Healthy after SCI
4.a Recreation
4.b Nutrition and Weight
4.c Exercise
4.d Medications
4.e Alcohol and Substance Abuse
4.f Health Care
4.g Aging
4.h Disasters
Appendix A: Range-of-Motion Exercises
Appendix B: Resource Organizations
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Section 1. How SCI Affects Your Body
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Section 2. Maximizing Your Function
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Appendix B: Resource Organizations
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Glossary
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