P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 38


Power & Propulsion

•	Identify couplers vs. biasing devices and their basic function
•	Describe the differences between mechanical and electrical
implementation in AWD systems
•	Describe basic control strategies and logic
•	Discuss advanced propulsion concepts and systems

Major Topics Include:
•	All-Wheel Drive Systems
•	Part-Time Systems
•	Full-Time Systems
•	Transfer Case Design
•	Couplers
•	Vehicle NVH
•	Emerging Technologies
•	All-Wheel Drive Interactions/New Developments

What You Will Receive:
•	365 Day access through MyLearn.sae.org
•	Links to streaming video modules
•	Course Handbook (downloadable .pdf’s, subject to DRM)
•	Online Pre-test (self-test, immediate results)
•	Online Post-test (submit to SAE)
•	CEUs/Certifi cate of Achievement (with satisfactory post-test score)

Instructor: Joseph Palazzolo
Fee $265

.5 CEUs

View the complete course description and online
demo at training.sae.org/eseminars/awdsystems

Fundamentals of Modern Vehicle
Transmissions e-Seminar
I.D.#PD130419ON (Online delivery)
In this e-seminar, Dr. William Mark McVea details the transmission’s
primary functions - to provide drivability characteristics to the vehicle
and adaptive connectivity between the engine and the remainder of
the fixed function driveline. The discussion then focuses on the latest
transmission systems designed to achieve the most efficient engine
operation. Current designs, the components and sub-systems used,
their functional modes, how they operate, and the inter-relationships
are examined. Automatic control, hydro-mechanic design theory and
implementation, mechatronics, toroidal transmission functions, and
the future of the automatic transmission are discussed. Continuously
Variable Transmission (CVT) systems, which represent a fundamental
shift in the way power is transmitted from the primary source to the
remainder of the driveline, is covered in depth.
Based on the popular classroom seminar, the 14 hour course is divided
into nine modules, accompanied by a handbook.

By participating in this e-Seminar, you will be able to:

View a demo of this e-Seminar
components and sub-systems by participating in hands-on
•	Recognize the limitations, technological trends, and potential new
products under consideration
•	Summarize the direction of new passenger car transmission designs
and systems

Major Topics Include:
•	Transmission Technology
•	Transmission Speed Ratios and
•	Manual Transmission Power Flow and Components
•	Torque Converter
•	Automatic Transmission Power Flow and Components
•	Holding Members and Hydraulic Control
•	Continuously Variable Transmission
•	Continuously Variable Transmission
•	Technology Review

What You Will Receive
•	365 Day access through MyLearn.sae.org
•	Links to streaming video modules
•	Course Handbook (downloadable .pdf’s, subject to DRM)
•	Online Pre-test (self-test, immediate results)
•	Online Post-test (submit to SAE)
•	CEUs/Certifi cate of Achievement (with satisfactory post-test score)

Instructor: W. Mark McVea
Fee $695

1.5 CEUs

Part of the Fundamentals of Drivetrain Systems and the Diesel
Technology Curriculum Based Certificate Program training.sae.org/credentialing

View the complete course description and online
demo at training.sae.org/eseminars/fmvtrans

•	Explain the development, operational aspects and design principles
of passenger vehicle and light truck transmission systems, their
major components and sub-systems
•	Describe the operational parameters and inter-relationships of each
of the sub-systems
•	Apply basic design synthesis and analysis techniques for each of the
major components and sub-systems
•	Compare and contrast ‘stepless’ to ‘stepped’ transmission
•	Identify and describe the function and operation of all major
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to bring a course to your company • Call SAE Corporate Learning at 1-724-772-8529
• Fill out the online quote request at training.sae.org/corplearning • Email us at Corplearn@sae.org

http://www.sae.org/exempt/training/demos/PD130419ON_fmvt_demo/presentation.htm http://www.sae.org/exempt/training/demos/PD130419ON_fmvt_demo/presentation.htm http://training.sae.org/eseminars/awdsystems http://training.sae.org/credentialing http://training.sae.org/eseminars/fmvtrans http://training.sae.org/corplearning

P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide

P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide
SAE Corporate Learning Clients
Catalog Key
Table of Contents
SAE International: An Overview
About SAE Corporate Learning Solutions
Our Learning Formats
NEW! SAE Credentialing Central and Certificate Programs
Design Engineering and Styling
Electrical, Electronics and Avionics
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Management and Product Development
Noise, Vibration and Harshness
Power and Propulsion
Quality, Reliability and Durability
Tests and Testing
Vehicles and Performance
Instructor Biographies
2013 Professional Development Course Schedule
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - SAE Corporate Learning Clients
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Table of Contents
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - ii
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - SAE International: An Overview
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - iv
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Accreditations
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Our Learning Formats
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - vii
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - NEW! SAE Credentialing Central and Certificate Programs
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - ix
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - MyLearn.sae.org
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Chassis
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 13
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Design Engineering and Styling
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 18
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 21
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Electrical, Electronics and Avionics
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 24
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Environment
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 27
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Human Factors and Ergonomics
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Management and Product Development
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 30
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Materials
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Noise, Vibration and Harshness
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 35
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Power and Propulsion
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 42
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 43
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 44
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Quality, Reliability and Durability
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 50
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 51
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 52
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Safety
P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Tests and Testing
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Vehicles and Performance
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - Instructor Biographies
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P135122 e-Learning Resources Guide - 2013 Professional Development Course Schedule
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