SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 20

NEw foR 2014!

Sae yOunG PrOFeSSiOnal aCTiviTieS
Developed by the SAE young Professional (yP) Strategic Leadership Council, these yP activities
will engage, develop, and connect young Professionals to their peers within the yP network, as
well as with mid-level managers and executives.
SPEEd MEnTOrinG - "Executives Connecting with future Leaders"
Tuesday, April 8
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 9
12:30 p.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 10
12:30 p.m.- 1:30 p.m.
This event is an opportunity for you and your organization's leaders to act as mentors and
engage with young professionals in an informal setting. Mentors will be stationed around the
room while small groups of the young Professional participants rotate to different stations
at set time intervals. The stations will consist only of chairs facing each other creating a
comfortable, level atmosphere for communication.
Don't miss the Career Development Sessions, and Executive Panel Discussion that will inform,
encourage, and motivate the leaders of tomorrow. They will help new professionals navigate
their career path, while providing solid leadership principles that can be carried and used
throughout their career.
Leadership Lessons Panel discussion and Lunch - SPACE iS LiMiTEd!
If you are interested in attending, please inquire here
Tuesday, April 8
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Ambassador Ballroom (Room 360)

Sponsored by:


Lindsay Brooke - Senior Editor, SAE International - Automotive Engineering International magazine


Lizabeth Ardisana - CEO, ASG Renaissance
Chris Cowland - Powertrain Director, Advanced and SRT Powertrain, Chrysler Group
felicia fields - Group Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Services, ford Motor Company
Audley Brown - Director, Diesel Calibration, General Motors Company
Jake Welland - Manager; north American Materials Development, Hyundai America Technical
Center, Inc.

Developing the next generation of leaders is vital to the automotive industry. SAE International
recognizes the importance of providing unique settings where young professionals can learn.
As part of the initiative to promote yP activity at World Congress, IAV Automotive Engineering
will sponsor the "Leadership Lessons" young Professional Luncheon to encourage an open
forum discussion for yPs to engage accomplished industry professionals. The event will provide
an opportunity for a group of industry experts to answer questions like: What is your brand?
how	did	you	end	up	where	you	are	today?	What	and/or	who	taught	you	leadership?	What	are	
current leaders looking for from yPs? What do organizations need from yPs? Other topics like
volunteer history, mistakes made, and accounts of personal and professional development will
also be discussed.

SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide

SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide
Technical sessions
Ride & Drive
PD Seminars
Annual Banquet
Chat with the Experts
SAE Awards & Recognitions Ceremony
SAE Detroit Section Vehicle Event
Technology Lounge
Daily Receptions in Exhibit Hall
SAE Young Professonals Initiative
AVL Technology Leadership Center
FEV Powertrain Innovation Forum
SAE International Business Meeting
SAE Career Fair
SAE Standards Committee Meetings
SAE Detroit Section Student Exhibit Competition
SAE Detroit Section High School Poster Competition
SAE A World In Motion Competition
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Cover2
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 1
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 2
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 3
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Contents
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SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 6
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 7
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 8
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Technical sessions
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Keynotes
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 11
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Ride & Drive
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - PD Seminars
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 14
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Annual Banquet
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Chat with the Experts
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - SAE Awards & Recognitions Ceremony
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Technology Lounge
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Daily Receptions in Exhibit Hall
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - SAE Young Professonals Initiative
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 21
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 22
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - AVL Technology Leadership Center
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 24
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 25
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 26
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - FEV Powertrain Innovation Forum
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SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 30
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - 31
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - SAE Career Fair
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - SAE Detroit Section High School Poster Competition
SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - SAE A World In Motion Competition
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SAE 2014 World Congress Preliminary Guide - Cover3
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