Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 833


Naraghi et al

Table 4. Contact Time (ms) for 10 Masked Areas and Geometric Measurements for Patients With Morton's Neuroma and Control

FL (cm)
FW (cm)
FPA (deg)
Arch index

MN Right

Control Right
(n = 31)

424 ± 68
490 ± 85
601 ± 74
633 ± 72
634 ± 87
639 ± 74
567 ± 134
517 ± 113
443 ± 119
535 ± 111
25.83 ± 1.54
9.99 ± 0.83
9.85 ± 5.83
0.38 ± 0.02
0.21 ± 0.05

462 ± 71
524 ± 89
625 ± 77
655 ± 73
667 ± 78
658 ± 76
612 ± 75
570 ± 109
443 ± 104
507 ± 116
25.5 ± 1.71
9.94 ± 0.74
10.71 ± 5.89
0.39 ± 0.02
0.22 ± 0.05

P (95% CI)
.04 (2 to 74)
.13 (−10 to 79)
.23 (−15 to 62)
.24 (−15 to 59)
.13 (−9 to 75)
.31 (−19 to 58)
.11 (−10 to 101)
.07 (−3 to 110)
.90 (−57 to 57)
.34 (−86 to 30)
.49 (−1.12 to .55)
.82 (−.45 to .35)
.56 (−2.13 to 3.87)
.47 (−.01 to .16)
.32 (−.01 to .04)

MN Left
(n = 31)

Control Left
(n = 31)

445 ± 96
502 ± 104
632 ± 78
653 ± 76
664 ± 74
656 ± 76
603 ± 78
563 ± 107
426 ± 126
502 ± 134
25.66 ± 1.49
10.12 ± 0.76
8.56 ± 5.74
0.39 ± 0.02
0.20 ± 0.06

451 ± 79
516 ± 94
610 ± 97
649 ± 85
665 ± 86
653 ± 88
605 ± 88
563 ± 121
476 ± 97
505 ± 132
25.46 ± 1.74
10.00 ± 0.76
7.63 ± 6.13
0.39 ± 0.02
0.22 ± 0.05

P (95% CI)
.79 (−39 to 50)
.59 (−37 to 64)
.35 (−66 to 23)
.86 (−45 to 37)
.96 (−40 to 42)
.87 (−45 to 38)
.92 (−40 to 44)
.99 (−58 to 58)
.08 (−7 to 107)
.93 (−65 to 70)
.63 (−1.02 to .62)
.53 (−.51 to .26)
.54 (−3.9 to 2.09)
.67 (−.01 to .01)
.11 (.00 to .05)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; COS, coefficient of spreading; CT, contact time; FL, foot length; FPA, foot progression angle, FW, foot width;
M1, heel; M2, midfoot; M3, first metatarsal; M4, second metatarsal; M5, third metatarsal; M6, fourth metatarsal; M7, fifth metatarsal; M8, hallux; M9,
second toe; M10, third, fourth, and fifth toes.
Data are expressed as mean ± SD.

on the basis of plantar pressure measurements but did not
find any significant differences in peak pressures under the
metatarsal heads between subjects with (n = 283) and those
without (n = 311) forefoot pain. None of the participants in
their study had a confirmed diagnosis of MN, and 207 subjects had other toe deformities, heel pain, and ankle pain,
which may have affected plantar forefoot pressures. In contrast to our findings, they found that pressure-time integrals
and contact times under metatarsals 2 and 3 were significantly increased in the forefoot pain group in comparison
with their asymptomatic group. They proposed that in subjects without foot deformities, the peak plantar pressure
under the heads of metatarsals was not as important as other
factors such as plantar fat pad thickness and pain tolerance.
Our results showed no significant difference between the
arch index of patients and control subjects, which supports
our previous findings using the Foot Posture Index to compare foot type with the presence of MN.30 Although the Foot
Posture Index is a static measurement of foot type, we did
not see any difference in the arch index measured on the
basis of the dynamic plantar pressure measurement system.
Therefore, on the basis of our subjects, we can conclude
that foot type may not be a sole predisposing factor in the
pathogenesis of MN.
Logically, the presence of pain can potentially alter a
person's gait pattern.41 At the time of the data collection, all
patients were pain free in order for them to meet the inclusion criteria and participate in the EMED testing. In this
manner, we assumed that all subjects with MN did not

guard against pain with an unusual foot strike on the
There were no significant differences in width, length,
and coefficient of spreading between patients with MN and
control subjects. On the basis of previous studies, men have
wider feet than women.5,38 Male subjects constituted 39%
of the control subjects and approximately 25% of the subjects with MN. No attempt was made to separate men from
women in either group for this part of the data analysis. This
unequal distribution may have affected our results, as there
were higher percentages of men in the control group.
However, a recent study by Park et al34 would seem to support our findings, showing no significant differences
between forefoot width and intermetatarsal distances of
patients with MN compared with a control group using
weightbearing radiographs. Their study did not evaluate
what happens to the width of the forefoot during the pushoff phase. In our study, we did not see any significant differences in forefoot width and coefficient of spreading
dynamically between patients with and those without MN.
This study had some limitations. It was not possible to
confirm the diagnosis of MN by operative histopathology,
and it was necessary to rely on clinical examination and
ultrasound findings to recruit subjects into the study.
However, on the basis of previous literature, clinical
examination17,35 and ultrasound7,42 are highly reliable in
detecting MN. In addition, in future studies it may be beneficial to see a comparison between unaffected and
affected feet for patients with unilateral MN for all EMED


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Foot & Ankle International - July 2018

Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - Intro
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - Cover1
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - Cover2
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - i
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - ii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - Contents
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - iv
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - v
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - vi
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - vii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - viii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 1A
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 1B
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - ix
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - x
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xi
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 2A
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 2B
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xiii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xiv
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xv
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xvi
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xvii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xviii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xix
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xx
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xxi
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xxii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xxiii
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xxiv
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xxv
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - xxvi
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 3A
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 3B
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 763
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 764
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 765
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 766
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 767
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 768
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 769
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 770
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 771
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 772
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 773
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 774
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 775
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 776
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 777
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 778
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 779
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 780
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 781
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 782
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 783
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 784
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 785
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 786
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 787
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 788
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 789
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 790
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 791
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 792
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 793
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 796
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 800
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 801
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 802
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 803
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 805
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 806
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 807
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 808
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 809
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 810
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 811
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 812
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 813
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 814
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 815
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 816
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 817
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 818
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 819
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 820
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 821
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 822
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 823
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 824
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 825
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 826
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 827
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 828
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 829
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 830
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 831
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 832
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 833
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 834
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 835
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 836
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 837
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 838
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 839
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 840
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 841
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 842
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 843
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 844
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 848
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 851
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 853
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 854
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 855
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 856
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 860
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 861
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Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 863
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 864
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 865
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 866
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 867
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 868
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 869
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 870
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 871
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 872
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 873
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 874
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 875
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 876
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 877
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 878
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 879
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 880
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 881
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 882
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 883
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - 884
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - Cover3
Foot & Ankle International - July 2018 - Cover4